In news translation class from Chinese into English, it's imperative for instructors to require students to scrutinize their translation mistakes so that they could minimize the occurrence of such mistakes and thereby enhance their translation skill. In as much as translation mistakes have proven to be of pertinent importance to translation teaching, there is still a scarcity of research on the analysis of translation mistakes made in news translation from Chinese into English. It is the purpose of this research to examine the translation performance of students from the Department of Journalism of a local university. Students are required to do news translation assignment individually and in groups. They are likewise asked to fill up self-correction charts and submit course reflection reports. Through these activities, students will be able to identify their translation mistakes and therefore enhance their meta-cognitive and reflective abilities. Moreover, researchers will be able to better understand the reasons that account for such mistakes through conducting retrospective interviews and focus group interviews with students. With an analysis of the types of mistakes made by students in news translation from Chinese into English, researchers will gain insight into the efficacies of teaching models to treat the translation mistakes in class. All the collected data have met the requirements of triangulation in qualitative research. It is hoped that the results of this research will shed light on ways to enhance the quality of teaching news translation from Chinese into English.
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