


A Primary Study of Historical Novels of Mt.Tai


丁肇琴(Zhao-qin Ding)


古典小說 ; 東嶽神 ; 封禪 ; 泰山 ; 泰山府君 ; classical novels ; The God of the Dong Yue (Mt.Tai) ; the worship of heaven and earth ; the Mt.Tai ; the administrator of the Mt.Tai




20期(2020 / 07 / 01)


137 - 174






The novels of Mt.Tai includes stories about the occurrences in Mt.Tai or the novels about the experiences encountered by the people in Mt.Tai. Based on the twenty-five articles in the book of The Selected Historical Novels of Mt.Tai, this article manages to extend its articles to thirty-eight ones, ranging from Six-Dynasties to Qing Dynasty, discussing each article its historical background and tracing their developments. The novels of Mt.Tai in the six- Dynasties featured Mt.Tai as a culminating place to present evidence to support there being a world of ghost. The novels of Mt.Tai in the Tang Dynasty had politically incorporated as historical backgrounds the fact that the Mt.Tai had been esteemed as the sacred mountain worshipped by emperors. Following the Song Dynasty, love and romantic affairs had emerged in the novels of Mt.Tai, a style which was followed by Ming and Qing Dynasties. In addition, the novels of Mt.Tai in Ming and Qing Dynasties had included the contents of religious sense, e. g, the God of the Dong Yue (Mt.Tai) has been regarded a divine being with upright justice, the concept of "karma", people going on a pilgrimage to Mt.Tai, worshipping the goddess of Mt.Tai, the livelihood of monks and nuns on the Mt.Tai, with a greater detail in describing the Mt.Tai towards its environment, viewing architecture and religious activities.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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