The popularity and widespread use of social media have not only created huge business opportunities but have even given birth to many internet celebrities. With the rise of the internet celebrity economy, and in the era of the internet where everyone has a smartphone, everyone can become an internet celebrity or even a commercial live-streaming actor in the age of handheld internet. Initially, on Facebook, only public figures officially approved by Facebook could use the live streaming function to interact with netizens in real-time. But recently, Facebook opened up the live streaming function to the general public, and since then, a large number of uncelebrated live streamers have started to dominate the Facebook home page. Originally, only the celebrity status of live streamers, however the mandate to hold this crown has been transferred to all netizens. This positive outcome leads to a self-liberating of oneself and advertising, while live streamers are no longer just a platform for celebrity. Social live streaming allows the "self-media" trend to take shape. Facebook live streaming has made many netizens popular. Therefore, the researcher would like to investigate what motivates uncelebrated netizens to choose Facebook as their self-presentation? Also, what is the significance of self-presentation of uncelebrated live streamers? In this study, we conducted in-depth interviews with the Facebook live streamers in order to understand the above research questions. Therefore, I interviewed nine Facebook uncelebrated live streamers to explore and analyze the research questions. This study uses the concepts of self-presentation and impression management in Dramaturgy Theory to present and summarize contextually the social media usage behaviors of uncelebrated social media live streamers. Finally, through the analysis in this study, we hope to give suggestions for improvement and identify the future possibilities of more diversified self-presentation of uncelebrated live streamers in social media.
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