


Challenge of Zheng He’s Expedition against monsoon across Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea based on QuikSCAT wind data


徐勝一(Sheng-I Hsu);洪致文(Chih-Wen Hung);白偉權(Wee-Chuen Pek)


前聞記 ; 鄭和航海圖 ; 星槎勝覽 ; 順風相送 ; Qian Wen Ji ; Zheng He Navigation Chart ; Xing Cha Sheng Lan ; Shun Feng Xiang Song ; QuikSCAT


地理研究叢書 氣候與人文 歷史氣候、鄭和航海、客家文化


第46號(2016 / 03 / 01)


109 - 129




季風是影響古代航海活動的重要因素,以往因欠缺洋面風場資料,一些鄭和航海問題未能獲得合理說明。由於近年QuikSCAT提供的衛星微波觀測海面風場和Google Earth 的普及,提供了先進技術與研究方法。本文參照《前聞記》的航海日程、《鄭和航海圖》的航線圖、《順風相送》及《星槎勝覽》的文字敘述導,據此得以解答下列三個問題。問題與簡答分別為(1)從亞齊開洋為何要「時月早北邊過洋」? 因為11 月中旬孟加拉灣季風尚未吹到亞齊,船隊必須開拔到北邊的翠蘭山渡洋。(2)抵達錫蘭海岸時為何「若船身高有鶯歌嘴」? 由於時月早季風偏北,船隻可能航抵錫蘭東北岸的鶯歌嘴。(3)從古里往忽魯謨斯為何要「治山使,用壬亥四十五更取丁得把昔」? 由於在逆風情況下,船隻沿岸北駛四十五吏,從丁得把昔開洋較安全。總而言之,第一、二項問題乃是船隊因應孟加拉灣季風變化的航行經驗,第三項問題則是冬季逆風狀況下,船隊沿著印度東岸北行550公里至丁得把昔才離岸駛向沙姑馬山,以縮短洋面海程及增大側風角,如此航行較安全。此外,鄭和船隊全程最大的航速,為沙姑馬山返航至古里這段,每日平均為253公里。


Monsoon has a great effect on the ancient navigation. Due to lacking oceanic wind data, some sailing records of Zheng He's expedition could not be reasonably narrated. Fortunately, the QuikSCAT ocean surface wind observed by satellite-based microwave sensors and the Google Earth mapping technique are now available. With reference to the travel itinerary in Qian Wen Ji and other related records in Zheng He Navigation Charts, Shun Feng Xiang Song, Xing Cha Sheng Lan etc., we are competent to summarize three questions and their answers as follows: (1) Why did the ships set sail at Great Nicobar instead of Aceh when crossing Bay of Bengal? It was because the northeast monsoon had not yet extended to Aceh in the mid November. (2) Why did the ships arrive at Trincomalee when their destination was set for Beruwala? It was because the ships sailed off with higher latitude northeast monsoon and consequently arrived at a northern port. (3) Why did the ships are advised to sail near the shoreline to Tondavali before launching offshore to Qalhat? It was because the ships were sailing against wind, for safety measure, they had to sail 550 km northward to Tondavali to reduce the open-sea distance and to catch side-wind for better sailing. Tondavali was an important landmark in Zheng He's expedition, but its name was forgotten nowadays. The best sailing speed of the journey was calculated as 253 km per day from Qalhat to Calicut.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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