


Rice Wine, Palatable Landscape and Taiwanese Taste




蘇恒安(Heng-An Su)


米酒 ; 美味 ; 地景 ; 料理 ; rice wine ; palatability ; landscape ; cuisine


2013 中華飲食文化國際學術研討會論文集


第13屆(2013 / 10 / 20)


435 - 450






Food has recently become the major tourist attraction in Taiwan, but this cannot really reflect its culinary personality. The study thus bases on Taiwanese taste-affiliated palatable element, rice wine, trying to provide an alternative scope to re-introspect what is representative of Taiwan food culture, which are generally recognized as local snacks or night market food, however. By adopting a conceptualized palatable landscape which is focused on rice wine, it is found, through its cultural, societal and material symbols, rice wine plays critical roles on traditional rites of life passage and personal expressions of emotion, societal governmentality and cuisine. It also helps see through the distinctive Taiwan food culture which features no Chinese philosophy of dietary balance, but an imbalanced pursuit between moderate and radical palatabilities.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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