


Cultural Marketing: How Museums Play an Important Urban Regeneration Role




曾信傑(Shin-chieh Tzeng)


文化行銷 ; 都市再生 ; 泰德現代館 ; 利物浦亞伯特碼頭 ; 探索號博物館 ; cultural marketing ; urban regeneration ; Tate Modern ; Albert Dock Liverpool ; Discovery Point (Dundee)




19卷4期(2005 / 10 / 01)


33 - 45+47




博物館在社會中扮演的角色,自二十世紀開始日趨多元,其中最引人注目的,當屬博物館在都市再生(regional regeneration)中位居關鍵性之角色,並引領新世紀文化行銷的風潮。著名的個案包括西班牙畢爾包古根漢美術館(Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao)、倫敦的泰德現代館(Tate Modern, London),對這些都市與地域的政治、經濟、文化、社會與環境層面,產生莫大的影響;同時,博物館也在日本的社區營造運動中,成為凝聚集體意識與文化認同的核心;在歐洲也藉由所謂的「歐洲文化之都」來進行文化行銷。在全球化的趨勢下,都市再生與博物館設立在現代社會中引發另一股在地性的發展,帶動文化觀光、促進地域振興、提昇社區生活品質,可以預見下一個十年,文化行銷將持續發展。本研究首先探討近年來博物館風潮在都市再生中的影響。其次釐清都市再生之定義,觀察西歐八個都市再生的過程,歸納出影響都市再生的重要因素,文化成為僅次於經濟誘因的次要角色。同時從英國的經驗,探討倫敦泰德現代館與南岸發展、利物浦亞伯特碼頭(Albert Dock, Liverpool)更新、黨帝(Dundee)市容與水岸再造中的不同發展歷程,這些個案對所在地區所造成的經濟、社會、文化與環境層面的影響。最後,在新世紀中,文化行銷如何成為塑造城市風格與提昇形象的策略。透過釐清基本課題、塑造文化特色、邀請社區參與、注重長期發展之策略,新世紀中博物館將持續在都市再生中扮演關鍵性角色。未來,更期許在臺灣開創出自己的範例。


This study first defines urban regeneration and the role of museums in the process. Through marketing culture museums aim to improve the local economy, to build a sense of community, to create a better quality of living, to develop culture and to promote the image of the city. Secondly, the study examines the British experience in London, Liverpool and Dundee. Regeneration of derelict areas in these cities through the incorporation of museums is gaining attention all over the world. On the south bank of the River Thames in London, the establishment of Tate Modern has not only increased the economic prosperity of the area, but has also improved the living environment and helped to create an identity for the local residents. On the Albert Dock of Liverpool, abandoned warehouses have been turned into stylish art galleries, retail outlets, restaurants, hotels and museums. It is now the main tourist destination in the city. Rejuvenation of the center of Dundee has been a success with physical changes, such as the restoration of buildings creating a better city center environment, and social changes such as the establishment of several cultural institutes. Culture can become a profitable business if the concept of cultural marketing is adopted. Four aspects of strategic thinking should be employed: clarifying a mandate, building cultural uniqueness, increasing involvement of the community and setting up a long term development strategy. From the British experience it is obvious that museums play an important role in urban regeneration. It will be intriguing to research this further and compare it to what happens in similar situations in Taiwan.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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