


Kano Model Application for Identification of Taipei Fine Arts Museum Critical Visitor Service Quality Attributes




鄧維兆(Wei-Jaw Deng);李友錚(Yu-Cheng Lee)


非營利組織 ; 美術館 ; 服務品質 ; Kano模式 ; nonprofit organizations ; fine arts museum ; service quality ; Kano model




20卷4期(2006 / 10 / 01)


27 - 45+47






In today's highly competitive cultural education and leisure market environment, nonprofit museums need to pay attention to the same issues of service quality and customer satisfaction as for-profit service organizations. This study applied the Kano model to the classification of visitor service quality attributes and identification of critical improvement visitor service quality attributes for the nonprofit Taipei Fine Arts Museum. The results revealed that there are 5 attractive quality elements, 6 one-dimensional quality elements, 9 must-be quality elements and 6 indifferent quality elements for a total of 26 visitor service quality attributes. From an analysis of customer satisfaction index matrix, there are 7 critical visitor service quality attributes for the Taipei Fine Arts Museum. The critical visitor service quality dimensions are responsiveness and assurance. These research results can be used by Taipei Fine Arts Museum management to improve museum visitor service quality, increase customer satisfaction and create competitive advantage.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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