


Application of Interpretation Concepts in Museums: Example of Strasbourg Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in France




郭姿瑩(Tzu-Ying Kuo)


詮釋觀念 ; 美術館教育 ; interpretation concepts ; art education




21卷1期(2007 / 01 / 01)


7 - 27+29




許多研究皆顯示美術館教育必須有理論作為背景架構,以有效地支持藝術教育活動,並且提昇落實教育目的之效率。Tilden (1957)所提之「詮釋觀念」被視為執行文化機構教育工作之重要參考,至今仍廣為博物館界及自然國家公園教育工作者所運用。本研究探討Tilden (1957)所提之「詮釋觀念」理論與在美術館教育活動之實務運用。重點在於瞭解美術館教育人員在規劃與執行教育活動時是否運用「詮釋觀念」?研究方法以「詮釋觀念」為架構,對象為法國史特拉斯堡現代暨當代美術館之教育工作人員。採半結構問卷實際訪談教育人員、觀察教育活動之執行,並進步以內容分析法探討「詮釋觀念」在美術館教育現場應用之現況。研究結果顯示,儘管該館教育人員未知「詮釋觀念」,但具有豐富經驗之人員,仍得以運用與「詮釋觀念」相同之觀點。深入分析後發現,教育人員較關注的為「詮釋觀念」中的:原則一,訴諸觀眾之過去經驗;及原則六,依觀眾年齡層提供不同取向之活動。這兩項原則皆與對觀眾之認知有關。未來,教育人員的訓練中,作品詮釋能力應是該加強的方向。


Many studies have indicated that the application of art education theories in museums is needed, because it improves the effectiveness of educational activities. Interpretation concepts, proposed by Tilden (1957), serve as important references in the education work of cultural organizations. However, there have been only a few studies to investigate the application of these concepts in museums. Therefore, the present study attempts to examine Tilden’s concepts of interpretation and their application in museums. The participants in this study were the educators of the Strasbourg Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in France. They were observed during the execution of their educational duties, and participated in a semi-structural interview designed under the concepts of interpretation. The method of content analysis was used to examine the application of the concepts of interpretation. The results indicated that experienced educators could use the principles of the concepts of interpretation, although they did not have knowledge of these concepts. Moreover, the educators had better performances in Principle 1 and Principle 6 of the interpretation concepts, which connect past experiences of visitors with exhibited objects and offer different approaches of interpretation for children, respectively. Finally, the educators should consider different aspects of knowledge about the art works, and improve their ability to organize related information when carrying out educational activities.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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