This paper attempts to explore the development and results of research on museum collecting in Taiwan from past articles published in Museology Quarterly. Curators are introduced to professional concepts and systems via foreign-language museology articles. Taiwan's museum workers recognize, search for and finally realize collecting practices to establish Taiwan's collecting practices and systems. Related articles can be classified into three main subjects: concepts of collecting, collecting operation, and issues related to collecting. The theoretical aspects of collecting practices are discussed in terms of collecting as poetics and collecting as politics. In other words, these discussions begin from the basic definition of collecting and the initial essence of collecting, continuing to the connection between collectors/collecting workers and objects/collections, to explore the relationships of collectors/collecting workers, objects/collections and society. The relationship between collectors/collecting workers and society is dependent on the culture of the society, variations in the natural environment, the authoritative power of concerned persons, and so on. The reviewed articles show that among Taiwan's collection research, the trend is toward the discussion of techniques and related experiences, with comparatively little attention given to the discussion of collecting practices. This reveals that Taiwan's collecting practices' research lacks comprehensive and comparative viewpoints. Therefore, future efforts in collecting research in Taiwan should focus on the connection between technical theory and collecting discussions to improve collecting systems and to interpret the phenomena of present collecting practices in Taiwan.