


Study of System Success Model for Museum Self-directed E-learning: Example of the National Palace Museum




林國平(James Quo-Ping Lin);盧冠兆(Kuan-Chao Lu)


數位學習 ; 博物館自導式數位學習 ; 資訊系統成功模式 ; E-learning ; museum self-directed e-learning ; D&M information system success model




21卷4期(2007 / 01 / 10)


91 - 115




教育推廣的功能歷來就是博物館界的發展重心,隨著數位科技與網路的快速發展,再加以博物館非正式教育的特質與目前盛行的數位學習,在教育型態上頗為吻合,因此全球各博物館紛紛建立數位學習平臺來加強教育推廣的工作。然而在這些平臺廣受採用與建置之後,從資訊科技導入組織的發展歷程模式來看,接下來值得討論的議題就是建立評估其整體效益、探討影響此整體效益之關鍵因素,以及這些關鍵因素間互相關聯之模型。從實務經驗與文獻探討中發現,目前博物館數位學習平臺普遍具有自導式學習之特性,因此,本研究乃從學習者的觀點來探討博物館自導式數位學習之系統成功模式。首先以DeLane & McLean提出的系統成功模式為理論基礎,然為免於受ㄧ般資訊系統成功模式之限制,本研究再依博物館教育自導式學習的特性及使用數位學習平臺所應具備的電腦技能,分別加入「自導式學習特性」與「資訊素養」兩個構面來擴充DeLone & McLean的系統成功模式,建立一個適用於博物館自導式數位學習系統之成功模式。經過假說之建立與檢定,最後並運用結構化方程式模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)加以驗證。在研究對象的選擇上,本研究以國立故宮博物院所建置之「故宮e學園」數位學習平臺的學員為對象,透過故宮e學圍電子報系統,發放通知給使用過此系統的學員,請學員主動上網填寫問卷。總計成功傳送2608份通知電子報,回收有效問卷316份,有效回收率為13.74%。研究發現,除了DeLone & McLean的系統成功模式原有之構面外,「自導式學習特性」與「資訊素養」,也會直接影響學習者使用系統的意願與使用成效。可見一個成功的博物館自導式數位學習系統除了應該顧及系統品質、資訊品質及服務品質等ㄧ般資訊系統成功之構面外,亦須考量容易操作的介面並提供有趣的教學內容,以提高學習者上線學習的意願,同時也要考量如何引導學員作自導式學習,並應採用最普及的資訊科技,以趨近使用者的資訊素養。透過研究結果的討論,本文所獲致對博物館自導式數位學習平臺經營的建議,或可作為其他博物館經營類似平臺之參考。


Traditionally, education and outreach have been two important functions of museums. The characteristic informal education provided by museums appears to fit the nature of e-learning. This is evident in the trend among museums around the world to build e-learning platforms to facilitate education and outreach. Based on our experience and a review of the literature, museum e-learning platforms share the characteristic of self-directed learning. From the viewpoint of information technology implementation process model, an issue worth discussing is the performance and critical success factors of this specific kind of system. Therefore, this research discusses the system success model for museum self-directed e-learning from the viewpoint of users of the National Palace Museum's e-learning platform. The research framework is based on DeLone and McLean's (D&M's) information systems success model. Moreover, this study enhances D&M's basic model by adding "selfdirected learning'' and “information literacy'' constructs. The outcome is an expanded system success model for museum self-directed e-learning. Structural equation models (SEM) were used o validate this model. The results show that self-directed learning and information literacy have direct effects on system use and learning efficiency. A successful museum e-learning system should not only provide fundamental factors such as high-quality system, information, and service, but also an easy-to-use interface and interesting content. It is also necessary to find effective ways to attract online visitors and to adopt the most popular technologies to reduce the computer literacy gap.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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