


A Museum-theatre Learning Perspective on the Development of the Hong Kong Museum of History




謝妙思(Muse Tse);劉仲嚴(Chung-Yim Lau)


博物館劇場 ; 香港歷史博物館 ; 建構主義學習 ; 情意學習 ; 歷史文化傳承 ; museum theatre ; Hong Kong Museum of History ; constructive learning ; affective learning ; historical and cultural heritage




25卷2期(2011 / 04 / 01)


19 - 41




博物館劇場強調公眾學習經驗的主動建構,通過博物館的情境氛圍進行建構式學習、情境學習、探索學習、情意學習與品德學習,帶來更多群體協作與互動的可能性。博物館劇場結合多媒體影音科技,配合迪士尼主題樂園式的行銷策略,既為博物館訪客帶來娛樂性豐富的感官體驗,增添博物館的吸引力,同時也促進文化旅遊及文化創意產業發展。它亦是展演口頭傳說、歌舞曲藝、民俗禮儀及節慶活動等非物質文化遺產的有效途徑,因而肩負歷史文化傳承使命。劇場帶來廣泛公眾參與,令博物館更能宣揚社會包容、社會承擔與關懷,是博物館民主化的體現。香港歷史博物館的角色,在1997 年香港回歸中國以後更形重要,認識香港歷史,成為香港人建構文化身分的重要內涵,而香港博物館在後殖民時代的發展方向更是一個重要議題。本文以香港歷史博物館為研究場域,藉由博物館劇場理論和事例分析,檢視其發展方向,並研擬具體發展方案。博物館劇場作為一個西方博物館概念,在應用與實踐上跟香港歷史文化氛圍存在一定距離。然而,在教育、文化經濟及歷史文化傳承方面,博物館劇場頗配合香港政策發展,為香港博物館展示拓展理論與實踐的疆域。


Museum theatre enhances constructive, contextual and experiential learning and provides a platform for discussion and interactivity, as well as fosters affective learning with regard to moral development. The use of digital technology and the integration of Disney management principles into museum informatics deliver sensational entertainment experiences and serve to promote cultural tourism and the development of cultural and creative industries. In addition, museum theatre is an effective tool for interpreting intangible cultural heritage, thus safeguarding historical and cultural heritage. It encourages public participation, social inclusion and the democratization of museums. Through a review of the literature, this paper aims to examine how the principles and practices of museum theatre may contribute to the development of the Hong Kong Museum of History, which has played a crucial role in the creation of cultural identity for the Hong Kong people especially after Hong Kong’s return to China in 1997. This paper finds certain discrepancies between the western museum concept and its application to the local environment. Nevertheless, the salient role of museum theatre in education, entertainment and heritage conservation is in line with relevant Hong Kong policies, making it one of the most visionary and innovative concepts of museum development. The conclusions and suggestions of this paper seek to arouse further research and attempts in museum theatre, to explore new possibilities and provide a glimpse into the future.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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