In this information age, managing virtual communities is an effective means of developing museum user groups. Based on a review of the literature and related information, a questionnaire for exploring how museums manage virtual communities was developed. Twenty virtual community managers and 73 virtual community members from various art museums were surveyed. Through in-depth interviews with six experts from museum studies, information technology and audience research, investigation results were confirmed. Both managers and members agreed that information can be tailored to members' needs and that it is not necessary to categorize information across a large number of age groups. For example, focus can be placed on children. Additionally, both managers and members reported low satisfaction with the entertainment value of content. This may be due to the questionnaire having been targeted to young adults while most museums provide information for children. Differences between managers and members were found in the following areas: managers' targets and the needs of members, effective channels for member recruitment, preferences for interactive media, needs for online storage, and rationale for inviting experts and celebrities to host forums. Foreign museums take advantage of virtual community operation to carry out "many-to-many" interaction, while domestic museums manage virtual communities through a "one-to-many" approach. As this study emphasized the operation of virtual communities by art museums and subjects mainly ranged in age from 18 to 45, the conclusions and suggestions proposed are most appropriate for art museums and the recruitment of young adult virtual community members.
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