This article attempts to seek an understanding of exhibition narratives from the analysis of story content and narrative methods that make up narrative theory. Fundamentally, narrative theory involves a story and different methods and media for the telling of that story. Under such a framework, a special exhibition on Honoré de Balzac: The Napoleon of Literature serves as a case study in the exploration of how an exhibition tells a story. In terms of narrated content, stories are divided into relatively independent basic units, which are then connected. As far as narrative is concerned, analyses of narrators, their voices and the narrated content are carried out by contrasting different speech and modes of interaction. There is naturally a further layer of purpose to this kind of analysis, which is that it can be used to understand the speech target of the narrative voice, and, in the future, to compare visitors' reactions when carrying out visitor-related research. Although visitors do not provide direct responses to curators, they feel that they are the targets of what is being recounted through exhibition content. To raise and echo questions about the content that visitors experience is what brings an exhibition to life.
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