


The Effects of the "Global Warming, We Care" Exhibition on Visitors’ Knowledge and Attitudes




黃書涵(Shu-Han Huang);劉德祥(Teh-Ciang Lau)


博物館教育 ; 展示評量 ; 學習成效 ; 全球暖化 ; 氣候變遷 ; museum education ; exhibition evaluation ; learning outcomes ; global warming ; climate change




26卷1期(2012 / 01 / 01)


59 - 85




研究欲瞭解全球暖化展示對觀眾知識與態度的影響。研究所選擇的展示為國立自然科學博物館所策劃的「愛他,不hot他-全球暖化與節能減碳巡迴展」。本研究的時間地點為此特展在高雄國立科學工藝博物館巡迴展出時,於2008年7月15日到7月27日期間對332位觀眾進行參觀前後之問卷調查,並以重複測量變異數分析(repeated measures ANOVA)來進行資料分析,其中知識與態度兩個面向(行為意向與危機意識)在參觀展示前後之分數差異力,重複測量變項(repeated measures variable),不同性別與日常環保實踐程度的觀眾為獨立測量變項(independent variables)。研究結果顯示參觀此特展之觀眾年齡多在40歲以下,以專科大學與理工科學類背景最多,且多數原本即高度關注全球暖化議題,具備許多相關知識11日常瓚保實踐程度較高,他們在參觀特展之後,仍能提高其危機意識,鞏固正向的環境態度,唯在知識與行為意向這兩方面提昇則較弱,此結果支持了觀眾在博物館展示中,在情意學習上較成功,在認知部分的學習較小的論點。此外,在知識、行為意向與危機意識的改變與性別及日常環保實踐程度之間並無交互作用關係。然而,性別日常環保實踐程度在行為意向與危機意識改變上有交互作用關係,特別是環保實踐程度低的女性,前後測之行為意向與危機意識平均分數皆低於男性觀眾,但環保實踐程度高的女性觀眾分數卻高於男性觀眾,最後並針對自由選擇的學習環境進行討論建議。


The objective of this study is to determine the effects of a global warming traveling exhibition on visitors’ knowledge of, attitudes toward and risk perception of climate change-related issues. This study was conducted at the National Museum of Science and Technology in Kaohsiung from July 15 to July 27, 2008. Three hundred and thirtytwo visitors participated in this pre- and post-test study. Data analysis was conducted by repeated measures analysis of variance with score changes in knowledge, attitudes, and risk perception indentified as repeated measure variables and gender and levels of daily conservation action indentified as independent variables. The results revealed significant improvement in post-test scores in terms of knowledge, attitudes and risk perception after viewing the exhibit, indicating that the exhibit had a positive effect on visitors. In addition, there were no significant interactions among changes in knowledge, attitudes, and risk perception with gender and level of daily conservation action. However, between-subjects analysis revealed that there were significant two-way interactions among gender and level of daily conservation action with changes in attitudes and risk perception. On average, females with low level of daily conservation action had lower scores than males while females with high level of daily conservation action had higher scores than males. Finally, some issues regarding free-choice learning environment are discussed.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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