


A Closer Look at the Current Circumstances of Historical Museums




游書宜(Sophie Yu)


史蹟博物館 ; 名人故居 ; 情境再現 ; 建築現象學 ; historic hall reform museum ; historic celebrity home ; re-present the historical place phenomenology




26卷2期(2012 / 04 / 01)


67 - 87




早期博物館著重於典藏功能,展示只是附帶的空間設施,展示的排列亦是依專家學者研究需求而分類,是一種以蒐藏品為主的安排。然而近年來的博物館、展示空間已在轉變,除了傳統的研究、典藏、展示、教育之外,更著重參觀者的感官刺激,企圖透過情緒的引導、情境的營造,以感動的力量打動參觀者。其表現性強調典藏物與展示主題能夠串連時空,具體說出它的故事脈絡與時代意義,此種近似於情境的完整建構,為博物館展示引領出新的方向。英國古蹟保存學家David Baker(1999)強調,情境的展現若能稟承古蹟修復教條精神,將復原程度開誠佈公,做出尊重歷史的辨識方式,便能勇於追求最大的情境效益,使參觀效果臻於完善。我們認為名人故居博物館是最適合使用情境再現策略,並以建築現象學的情境理論為立論基礎,以此做為假設進行探討。所以本研究的動機為:名人故居的原況恢復工作是否有一套嚴謹的準則,以達成既尊重史實又呈現最佳之情境復原效益?本研究的目標為:能否建構一套俱備學術論點與實踐依據的元素要領,協助導引完成名人故居博物館的重置工作與檢核。為達此研究目的,本論文的研究方法為文獻探討與案例研究,主要步驟包括:一、整理名人故居的發展與研究;二、透過對建築現象學3位大師―梅洛龐蒂、諾伯舒茲、列斐伏爾之建築現象學文獻回顧,提出4項可運用在名人故居情境復原工作上帶來啟發與利用的觀點與主張;三、本研究選擇賴和紀念館、新加坡牛車水生活復原館、蔣中正宋美齡士林官邸等3個相對應之案例,檢視我們提出之主張與元素是否具有實踐性與效能性,更期待能達成前瞻性。


In recent years, museums have changed their approach to designing artifact displays. In addition to research, preservation, presentation, and educational aspects, they must take into account the overall experience, resulting in the intentional creation of an atmosphere that evokes deep thought and allows the artifact to make an impression upon the viewer. According to historical preservationist David Baker (1996), if museum presentation abides by the principles behind historic site restoration guidelines, it can better relate history and historical events. In doing so, it also creates displays that bring about the most satisfying and transcendent viewing experience. The focus of this paper is on historic celebrity homes. Historic site documentation and cases are utilized to research current developments in the restoration of historic celebrity homes and, after studying architectural phenomenology, provide a new perspective and suggestions for the restoration of historic celebrity homes. Two museum exhibits are examined to further highlight the importance of the following goals in restoration: creating the right atmosphere, enhancing site attributes, and relaying history with vitality. Lastly, this study explores the Shilin Official Residence, home of the late Chiang Kai-Shek and Soong May-ling. Only the first floor of the residence is available for viewing. However, it is still possible to understand its current restoration status and determine whether or not the aforementioned goals have been met. The essential visual and non-visual aesthetic qualities of the historic celebrity home are also introduced. The author proposes that the Shilin Official Residence be fully restored and opened for viewing. The facets of restoration addressed in this paper are the result of the integration of theory and real-life application, and are geared towards aiding museums in their strategy and development, as well as providing direction for the restoration of historic celebrity homes.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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