


How Can Museums Make Communities Work? A Case Study of the Jinguashi Area




施岑宜(Chen-Yi Shih)


地方文化館政策 ; 黃金博物館 ; 山城美館 ; policy of local museum ; Gold Museum ; Art Museum of Mountain Village




26卷4期(2012 / 10 / 01)


29 - 39




1980 年代的新博物館學運動啟發並重新檢視了博物館的功能角色,尤其是與地方發展息息相關的中小型博物館,這些座落於各「地方」的博物館擺脫過往以「物」為核心角色的習慣,開始思考「人」的問題,博物館變成社會運動的一種工具,其型態也呈現多樣化,定義博物館的邊界開始越來越模糊。這樣的趨勢發展也影響到臺灣,期望以散落在各鄉鎮之地方文化館為首要,進行新的產業革命與城鄉再發展。研究地方文化館政策須從社區總體營造政策談起,該政策是臺灣近年來最具影響力且持續的文化作為,回溯政策初始的臺灣社會面臨著巨大的轉變與挑戰,從對國家政治認同的疑惑、社會結構的變化到都市與城鄉發展惡化等,既有威權的漸漸解體與對過往歷史記憶的壓抑反動,讓執政者被迫提出一個因應政策來接合這樣的缺口,而博物館就作為一個想像共同體的建構工具,在此時被賦予帶動地方發展與建構地方認同的重要任務。本研究觀察在臺灣地方文化館風潮中,不約而同多以「生態博物館」這個理念為主要實踐目標,這個主要從法國發展實踐的新博物館論述,講求博物館作為建構地方認同的工具,將詮釋生活方式與歷史的權力賦予當地居民,召喚居民的地方認同感,也使他者獲得認識地方社會的機會。新北市立黃金博物館為臺灣第一座以生態博物館論述籌備規劃並對外營運的公立地方文化館,本研究以其為案例研究對象,並探討博物館長期的社區策略中為何無法有效讓社區動起來,試圖從中探討生態博物館這個看似應許般符合各界對地方文化館多重社會想像的理想論述,在實踐過程中為何無法實現其承諾,是論述過於理想性?操作方式錯誤?還是規劃者與執行者一廂情願的誤解與謬用?本研究同時比照另一個在社區藝術創作者自主動力下組成的山城美館,探討其藉由藝術與文化生活逐漸誘發居民參與的過程,期望從這兩個在相同地域的微觀案例研究中,剖析探討能放置於臺灣社會脈絡中的共通性。


In the face of globalization, awareness has been increasing around the world of the importance of preserving local cultures and identifying local characteristics. Local museums have the responsibility of building and maintaining the collective memory of the community. They interact with local residents and act as a catalyst for local cultural cohesion. Cultural tourism is one of the important ways for enhancing local development. In recent years, "local cultural industries" have become the main force for stimulating the local economy. Through "community renaissance" and the development of local economy, regional activities promote and combine "industry", "culture", "art", "leisure", and "life".The result is the rebirth of the community. The fast growth in Taiwanese local museums in the 1990s resulted in the promotion of local manufacturing cultures and community participation. The aim of this study is to look into the booming local museum phenomenon in Taiwan. How community residents, in cooperation with local museums, to identify their place and reproduce community culture under the current trends in cultural tourism is analyzed. In addition, three research questions are addressed. First, what caused the fast growth of Taiwanese local museums in the 1990s? Second, what kind of policy thinking and museum discourse determines the practice of Taiwan local museums, and why have they strayed from the ideal? Third, catering to cultural tourism, what are the choices and challenges that local museums are facing? Based on a case study of the Taipei County Gold Museum in Jinguashi, this paper aims to sketch the role and mission of local museums, as well as to reflect on the orientation of local museums and analyze their benefits.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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