


Cultural Governance and Heritage Conservation: A Case Study of Fort Antonio, Tamsui, New Taipei City




殷寶寧(Pao-Ning Yin)


文化治理 ; 紅毛城 ; 古蹟保存 ; 博物館 ; 文化觀光 ; cultural governance ; heritage conservation ; Fort Antonio ; Tamsui ; museum ; cultural tourism




27卷2期(2013 / 04 / 01)


5 - 29




新北市淡水區的「紅毛城園區」為1982年《文化資產保存法》立法第一批指定的國家一級古蹟之一;為臺灣現存歷史最久的建築之一;為荷屬東印度公司海外殖民時期,全球保存最完整的城寨堡壘建築;是國內第一座以古蹟作為主題的「新北市立淡水古蹟博物館」。紅毛城及其周遭歷史建築群列名在文建會的臺灣世界遺產潛力點;2003至2007年,淡水連續5年為國內旅遊到訪據點第一名。這些資料說明紅毛城園區在臺灣文化資產、歷史保存、文化觀光等領域的價值;但古蹟是靜態的,與過往歷史產生斷裂的物質性證據,必須經過「活化」的手段,才能轉化成「資產」。臺灣古蹟保存實踐場域,經過長時間的論述鬥爭才逐漸確立其文化資產的價值,而具體地再現於文化政治空間中,地方政府的反應速度與積極表現,因其直接聯繫上在地的區域投資與建設模式,並再現為在地民眾對政府施為(agency)的空間表徵,地方文化資產活用模式成為檢視地方政府文化治理的重要面向。地方政府開始重視文化資產更與全球化的趨勢潮流緊密連結。資本主義重構與全球化力量,使文化資產作為一種新興遺產產業(heritage industry)的發展模式浮現。本文試圖借用文化治理概念建構之分析架構,針對「紅毛城」特定歷史建築群從指定國家古蹟到改制為「新北市立淡水古蹟博物館」之歷程,從中央到地方政府之文化治理層面切入,一方面建立探討文化資產、博物館等文化政策層次的理論與分析觀點,並思考此理論概念與文化政策場域對話的可能性。


Fort Antonio, located in Tamsui District of New Taipei City, is one of the area's oldest buildings, becoming one of the first registered monuments in Taiwan in 1983. In addition, it is one of the best preserved and largest walled fortresses built by the Dutch East India Company during its colonization of Taiwan. The municipal government has transformed this site into a museum, under the concept of an eco-museum, to create an institution for preserving the heritage of the Tamsui area, which can also be a key catalyst for the redevelopment of this historic fishing village through tourism and cultural industries. In this article, the author attempts to build an analytical framework based on the newly developed concept of "cultural governance" and to explain how the central and local governments make use of heritage, creative and cultural tourism industries as policy tools. On the one hand, these efforts are carried out under the guise of cultural conservation, to construct the local collective identity and legitimize cultural governance. On the other hand, the rise of tourism and the expansion of the real estate business around the Taipei metropolitan area are destroying the beautiful landscapes and rich historic aura of Tamsui. In the name of protection, local cultural development might result in destructive construction. Nevertheless, the cultural governance analysis approach provides a powerful tool to review the complex manipulation and mechanisms operating both in physic and discourse dimensions for multiple subjects.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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