


The Management and Application of Massive Numbers of Images: A Case Study of the Archaeological Data Project, Academia Sinica




溫子軍(Chee-Kuan Wan);黃婷鈺(Ting-Yu Huang);林玉雲(Yu-Yun Lin)


數位影像管理 ; 影像編碼 ; 數位影像品質 ; management of digital images ; image coding ; digital image quality




27卷2期(2013 / 04 / 01)


87 - 103+105




本文作者以專職影像管理者之角度出發,探討管理來自不同數位化來源之巨量數位影像,從影像檔案的生產、處理、備份等過程所面臨之問題與挑戰,到如何兼顧品質、資料應用以及長久保存等問題。中央研究院歷史語言研究所執行之「考古發掘遺物、照片、記錄與檔案」數位典藏計畫至今累積超過30萬筆10TB以上之數位影像,且每年以約3萬筆4TB的數量持續增加。數位影像之生產來源多元,除了攝影師,尚包括資料掃描人員及外包廠商等,多方面的影像生產來源,帶來巨大的管理負荷。歷史語言研究所考古數位典藏計畫自2001年之先導計畫至今已超過10年,所跨時間縱軸深,其間數位科技進展快速,加上數位影像因不同時期及需求,而有不同的版本。此外,隨著研究進展,考古遺物的影像亦隨之變動,例如甲骨綴合、成套器物等,種種原因產生不同階段的影像,影像版本的問題造成管理以及應用上種種挑戰。此一龐大的數位資產,須考慮資料之正確與品質完好之外,更須兼顧典藏之完整性,備份的管理以及備份的頻率成為不可或缺的一環。檔案典藏的分類架構、跨平臺衍生的問題,在巨量資料的負擔下更需要有一套快速簡便的管理方法,以面對接踵而來之資料庫建置及各種影像應用需求。本文個案研究上述計畫管理此一珍貴且龐大的數位影像資產所面臨的挑戰,並將所提出的解決方案與美國「蓋提研究所」(The Getty Research Institute) 以及英國「考古資料服務網」(The Archaeology Data Service)所提出之相關建議做一分析與討論。


From the point of view of the professional image manager, the author discusses the problems and challenges of managing large amounts of digital images from different sources. These problems and challenges arise during image production, processing and file backup, as well as in the areas of image quality control, application and preservation. The Archaeological Data Project of the History and Philology Institute, Academia Sinica has collected over 300,000 digital images requiring more than 10TB of storage space. Each year, 30,000 images requiring 4TB of space are added. Sources of digital images include photographers, data scanning personnel and outsourcing vendors which have created a huge management overload. The Archaeological Data Project was established in 2001. Since then, digital technology has advanced at a rapid pace, leading to the development of different versions of digital images. In addition, with continuing research, there have been changes in the types of images of archaeological relics that are acquired, such as those following the rejoining of oracle bones or complete sets of artifacts. In addition to the quality and accuracy of the data, completeness is an important issue for managing substantial digital assets. File backup frequency and administration have become essential components of image management. File classification structure of the collection and cross-platform problems need to be addressed to meet the demands of database building and application. The Archaeological Data Project is used as a case study in this paper to examine the above-mentioned challenges and to compare and discuss solutions provided in the digital imaging guidelines of the Getty Research Institute of the U.S. and the Archaeology Data Service of the U.K.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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