In recent years, more and more museum professionals have come to believe that it is important to allocate museum resources to the disabled and to expand the cultural rights and social inclusion of disadvantaged groups. In Taiwan, the target audiences for specialneeds exhibitions and educational programs are mainly people with visual or hearing loss. Museums lack experience when it comes to interacting with the growing population of people with mental illness. The aims of this study are to investigate the role of the museum in the interaction with people with mental illness and to determine the museum experiences and needs of visitors with mental illness. From a review of the literature, it was found that the museum not only provides a place for social activities and entertainment, but also helps to challenge social stigma and prejudice through exhibitions that allow people with mental illness to share their experiences and display their artworks. Based on these results, the investigators collaborated with medical professionals to plan museum visits by people with mental illness. From observation and focus interviews, visitors with mental illness appreciate artworks that relate to their life experiences and desires. In addition, interactive displays inspire the greatest response. In terms of the physical environment, what visitors with mental illness need most are clear signs for orientation, drinking fountains and comfortable chairs. They enjoy DIY workshops and hope that museums plan more exhibitions that focus on their experiences and achievements. Such exhibitions will encourage repeat visits, increase their confidence and help them to face social stigma.
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