


The Position and Prospects of Children's Museums: Learning from the Kinder-Akademie Fulda in Germany




侯天麗(Tien-Li Hou)


兒童博物館 ; 博物館學習 ; children's museums ; museum learning




28卷1期(2014 / 01 / 01)


51 - 69




近年來,兒童博物館的學習研究受到重視。兒童博物館的發展代表著「訪客取向」的典型思考。本文擬透過文獻分析,首先借助兒童博物館的學習理論,介紹兒童博物館的理想規劃(應然);再根據現代童年生態的轉變,描述兒童博物館的因應(實然);最後以德國Kinder-Akademie Fulda為例,分析兒童博物館的定位與提出未來的展望。


The development of children's museums has received increased attention in recent years. The expansion of children's museums represents a trend in visitor-centered thinking. This article provides an overview of children's museums. Firstly, the author explores children's learning theories and introduces the idealities in the development of children's museums. Next, the rethinking of childhood in contemporary society is addressed, which serves as the reality of children's museums. Finally, taking Kinder-Akademie Fulda in Germany as an example, the position and prospects of children's museums are discussed.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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