


Revisiting the Construction Process of Oxford College and Its Adjoining Museum: A Post-colonial Reading




殷寶寧(Pao-Ning Yin)


博物館 ; 馬偕 ; 後殖民閱讀 ; 混雜 ; 牛津學堂 ; museum ; Rev. George Leslie Mackay ; post-colonial reading ; hybridity ; Oxford College ; Tamsui




28卷2期(2014 / 04 / 01)


5 - 32




從臺灣近代化的發展來看,博物館的建構與肇始本即為一個關涉殖民現代化 (colonial modernization) 的課題。在1908 年總督府殖產局附屬博物館落成前,馬偕博士到臺灣行醫傳教時期,1882 年完工啟用的「理學堂大書院」(即通稱的「牛津學堂」,Oxford College),除作為傳授教育的學習空間外,也包含了圖書室與博物館的空間,可能可以稱得上是臺灣第一處私人設置、也是最早出現的博物館(陳其南、王尊賢,2009)。經由設置學院與博物館的知識傳遞意圖,馬偕將本土文物與西方知識並置與展示,透過其外來者的西方傳教士之眼,在這個「博物館化」的過程,以視覺化的、知識客體建構的關係,將臺灣變成一個被研究的、被觀覽的、被詮釋的、被再現的,失去詮釋自主權的認知客體。但與此同時,馬偕博士也積極尋求融入本土與取得認同,這使得殖民者與被殖民者之間的曖昧關係構成了權力兩端,而在殖民文化中構成了某種混雜(hybridity),牛津學堂建築本身便是個混種文化的空間表徵。本研究試圖提出一個後殖民閱讀 (post-colonial reading) 的分析詮釋角度,透過對諸如馬偕日記等相關文獻的再檢視,重新閱讀「博物館」此文化教育機構植入臺灣的歷程,作為拼湊與想像臺灣博物館發展演進的另一種理解角度。


The initiation of the construction of museums in Taiwan is related to colonial modernization. Before the opening of the Taiwan Museum by the Japanese colonial government in 1908, the Oxford College and its adjoining museum built by Reverend George Leslie Mackay, a Canadian missionary, can be considered the first museum in Taiwan. The original intention of the College, completed in 1882, was for the education and training of local missionaries. However, the objects Mackay collected during his travels in Taiwan and originally meant for education purposes gradually accumulated and became displayed in a museum. The demonstration of these Taiwanese objects through the eyes of a Western missionary led to a process of "museumization". During this process, Taiwan became a subject to be researched, observed, interpreted and reconstructed with the loss of the autonomous right to identity and subjectivity. In the meantime, Mackay himself received the recognition of many local people. The result was a hybridity of cultures. The building of Oxford College is itself a spatial symbol of the hybridity of Taiwanese traditional and Western architectural styles. Based on the Mackay diary and other materials, the author attempted to analyze the postcolonial reading of the process of the construction of the College. In other words, instead of the inherent viewpoint, the author intended to build another perspective from which to understand the beginning and the institutionalization of museums in Taiwan.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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