


Collaboration between Collectors and Museums in Arts Promotion: Example of ADIAF's "Marcel Duchamp Prize" in France




林素惠(Su-Hui Lin)


藝術蒐藏家 ; 美術館 ; 藝術傳播 ; ADIAF ; 杜象獎 ; Collectors of art ; Museum ; Promotion of Arts ; ADIAF ; Prize of Marcel Ducham




28卷2期(2014 / 04 / 01)


73 - 97+99




幾個世紀以來法國為世界藝術中心,巴黎也被譽為藝術之都,是藝術家自由表現的國度,在世界藝術舞臺上占著很重要的地位。但是,1960年代起,由於美國藝術崛起,其光環逐漸褪去。20 世紀末期來自法國私人蒐藏家的一股力量,以Gilles Fuchs 為核心的ADIAF(法國藝術國際傳播協會),開始興起重振法國藝術聲望的理念。秉持這種精神,該協會於2000 年設置「馬歇爾.杜象獎」,選拔足以代表法國精神的藝術家,幫助他們在國內、國外美術館展出作品,讓世人看到法國當代藝術蓬勃發展的生命力,也開啟私人蒐藏家與博物館合作的歷史性新頁。十餘年來,成為法國藝術在世界上最值得期待的當代藝術獎項,使法國藝術再度令世人矚目,其努力的結果值得各界關注。本研究透過有關文獻的探討分析和相關參與者的深度訪談所獲得資料作為基礎,論述ADIAF 藉由「杜象獎」推廣法國藝術傳播的經過及其成果。結果發現私人蒐藏家和公立美術館的合作,明顯改變法國藝術生態,近年來將其成果推介到世界其他重要城市,藝術創作和傳播媒介融合有助於藝術推廣。期盼研究結果能夠提供給有心推廣臺灣藝術傳播的機構或人士作為參考。


For many centuries, France was the center for the arts, with Paris referred to as "the Capital of the Arts." In France, artists could perform freely and played a very important role on the international stage. However, that glory started to fade in the 1960s with the rise of the American arts scene. At the end of 20th century, the Association for the International Diffusion of French Art (ADIAF) was established by a group of contemporary art collectors, led by Gilles Fuch, with the mission to reestablish the reputation of French arts. As part of that effort, the ADIAF founded the "Marcel Duchamp Prize" in 2000 to select artists who best represent the spirit of France. The award winners show their works in France and abroad to allow people everywhere to experience the exuberant vitality of contemporary French arts, opening up new opportunities for collaboration between collectors and museums. In the past decade, the Marcel Duchamp Prize has become the most anticipated French arts award in the world and has been successful in bringing recognition to the French arts. Based on a review of the literature and data from in-depth interviews of participants, ADIAF’s promotion of French arts via the Marcel Duchamp Prize, including relevant processes and results, are discussed. From the findings of this study, cooperation between private collectors and public museums has altered the environment of French arts. In promoting French arts in major cities around the world, a combination of artistic creations and communication media is helpful. The results of this study may serve as a useful reference for individuals or organizations seeking to promote the arts of Taiwan.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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