


Representation/De-stigmatization: Museum Exhibitions on Mental Illness




陳佳利(Chia-Li Chen)


展示精神疾病 ; 博物館與去污名 ; 博物館與身心障礙 ; 展示倫理 ; exhibiting mental illness ; museums and de-stigmatization ; museums and the disabled ; exhibition ethics




28卷3期(2014 / 07 / 01)


67 - 86




隨著20 世紀末對精神病患人權之重視以及精神醫療的社區化,澳洲與英國的療養院紛紛關閉,其相關檔案與文物則成為博物館典藏、展示的內容,以提供社會大眾對精神疾病與相關醫療之瞭解;而臺灣近年來則由社福團體開始規劃相關展覽,目的在於挑戰社會的歧視與污名。究竟博物館如何展示精神疾病?其倫理議題、敘事策略與內涵為何?博物館又如何挑戰社會對精神障礙者之污名與歧視?這些議題為本文所欲探討的範疇。本文擬透過文獻回顧與個案研究,分析精神疾病污名之由來,並深入探討展覽如何再現精神疾病及精神障礙者的生活經驗與創作,讓社會大眾得以瞭解其病因與經歷,進而挑戰其所遭受的污名與歧視。本文選擇澳洲、英國與臺灣的5個展覽個案,分別探討3 種不同的展覽與敘事角度。個案選擇包括以城市史角度展示的澳洲「墨爾本的故事」及英國「渥客的故事」、展現精神障礙者藝術與創意的英國「貝利恆檔案與博物館」和臺灣的慈芳關懷中心的「社會瘋印藝文展」,最後則以墨爾本博物館的「心智展」為研究個案,分析該展如何以科學為主要論述,交融醫學、藝術與口述史來呈現精神疾病。經由田野考察、訪談與展覽分析,探討不同的手法所再現的精神疾病、其展示策略、倫理及其所欲引發觀眾學習與同理心,並提供未來相關展示建議。


With the deinstitutionalization of mental health care in the 1990s, more and more mental health care institutions have closed down in the UK and Australia. The archives and artifacts of these institutions have formed the collections and exhibition materials of museums to facilitate the general public's understanding of mental illness and its treatment. In Taiwan, social welfare organizations have organized exhibitions to tackle the social prejudice and stigma of mental illness. How do museums represent mental illness through exhibitions? What are the ethical issues, narratives and meanings of these exhibitions? How do museums challenge the social stigma and prejudice of mental illness? These are the issues that are explored in this paper. Through literature review and case studies, the aims of this study are to investigate the causes of stigma of mental illness and explore how it is represented in museums. Five exhibitions in Taiwan, the UK and Australia were chosen as case studies to represent three different exhibition models. The "Melbourne Story" and the "Woking Story" represent mental illness from the perspective of the development of a city, while the Bethlehem Royal Hospital Archives and Museum and the Cih Fang Care Center in Taiwan display the artworks and highlight the creativity of people with mental illness. Lastly, the Mind Gallery of the Melbourne Museum applies scientific discourse as the main narrative, which is interwoven with artistic exhibits. Through interviews and exhibition analysis, the concepts, strategies, ethical issues, purposes and intended effects of these exhibitions are elucidated. Finally, practical suggestions for museums organizing exhibitions on topics related to mental illness are provided.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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