
博物館觀眾參觀經驗與多媒體應用於展示之評估-以「神示籤詩 - Chance from God特展」為例


Museum Visitor Experience and Evaluation of Multimedia Interaction: A Case Study of the Exhibition "Divine Guidance-Chance from God"




黃雅雯(Ya-Wen Huang)


多媒體互動技術 ; 籤詩 ; 觀眾年齡 ; 展示 ; 評估 ; multimedia interactive technology ; oracle ; exhibition display ; audience age ; evaluation




28卷4期(2014 / 10 / 01)


55 - 78




多媒體互動與遊戲操作技術能為博物館觀眾帶來娛樂感,因而成為現今博物館中經常使用的展示方式之一。然而,過度的互動性遊戲操作容易導致觀眾的注意焦點轉於追求遊樂性的視覺等感官刺激;再者,多媒體技術的製作費用高昂,若無法達到其展示與教育目的,則易造成資源浪費。對此,本研究以高雄市立歷史博物館「神示籤詩- Chance from God 特展」為研究案例,採用問卷調查法、訪談法與觀察法,探討觀眾年齡與本展多媒體互動「求籤遊戲機」的參觀滿意度和學習效益之關係,繼而討論博物館如何在多媒體互動展示的花費和學習效益之間進行評估與抉擇。研究結果顯示, 多媒體互動求籤遊戲對19 歲以下與60 歲以上觀眾較具吸引力,獲得的學習效益也較高,建議未來可針對此目標族群設計合適的互動軟體作為展示溝通的方式,但這只能作為一種輔助展示,不能成為展示主軸,尤其是當館方經費與展場管理人力不足時,則不適合使用過多的多媒體技術於展覽中。由於來館觀眾的參觀動機多是對歷史知識有學習需求,故建議未來在展示手法上,除了多媒體科技的應用外,還可增加其他類型的展示方式,特別是歷史文物更是來館的30-59 歲觀眾期待看到的。


Multimedia Interactive Technology (MIT) provides entertainment to audiences, thus it has become one of the most common exhibition methods among museums. However, if overused, it can become distracting to visitors. In addition, multimedia technology is costly. It is important to fulfill the educational objectives of exhibitions by effectively using resources. This study focuses on an exhibition of the Kaohsiung Museum of History, entitled "Divine Guidance-Chance from God". Through questionnaires, interviews and observations, the aims are to explore the relationships of visitor age and visitor satisfaction with and effectiveness of learning from an interactive display of divination sticks. From the results of this study, the author discusses museum implementation, assessment and decision-making in regards to the costs and learning effectiveness of MIT displays. From analysis of the obtained data, audiences aged below 19 and over 60 were more attracted to the interactive display and thus learning effectiveness was higher among these age groups. It is suggested that this museum design appropriate interactive software for target groups as a way of communicating exhibition content. However, such interactive software should be a supplement to the exhibition rather than the main focus. As the museum lacks financial and human resources for exhibitions, MIT should not be overused. As the main motivation for visiting the museum is learning and obtaining historical knowledge, the museum should use multiple display methods in addition to MIT. For example, visitors aged 30-59 anticipate the opportunity to view historical objects and artifacts.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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