


Application of Fuzzy Delphi Method to the Study of Urban Marketing of Festival Activities




鍾政偉(Cheng-Wei Chung);黃婕雅(Jia-Ya Huang)


節慶活動 ; 城市行銷 ; 模糊德爾菲法(FDM) ; festival activities ; urban marketing ; Fuzzy Delphi Method




28卷4期(2014 / 10 / 01)


79 - 92




21 世紀全球積極開發城市資源,主題鮮明的城市節慶活動成為城市行銷的得力工具。交通部觀光局自2004 年開始推動節慶活動發展計畫,臺灣各地區開始積極辦理屬於自己地方特色的節慶活動。本研究以城市行銷的觀點探討節慶活動發展策略,第一階段透過文獻蒐集初擬原始評估因子及建立層級架構,建構出5 大構面35 個準則,分別為:城市形象行銷,主要取決於當地居民及外來觀光客對於城市的期待與想像;城市設施行銷,為建立良好的地方基礎建設,提供高品質的生活服務,亦有助於節慶活動更有效率的執行;城市吸引力行銷,針對城市特有的地理資源或人文活動,設計並強化當地特色的內容與主題吸引民眾;城市人員行銷,是善用歷史人物、明星等名人的光環塑造地區吸引力;城市經濟行銷,利用觀光景點、辦理活動吸引觀光人潮,以達到經濟行銷之效果。第二階段透過產、官、學各領域專家之共識,利用模糊德爾菲法進行篩選,篩選出5大構面下16 個準則,建構出以城市行銷觀點探討節慶活動發展的評估指標,讓未來在以城市行銷觀點舉辦節慶活動的評估上,能以更客觀的角度來進行檢視與分析,使節慶活動朝向更明確且具有效益的方式來辦理,讓節慶活動能確實達到城市行銷之目的。


In the 21^(st) century, many countries around the world are actively exploring urban resources. City festivals with distinct themes have become useful tools for city marketing. Since 2004, the Tourism Bureau of Taiwan has promoted festival development plans, and as a result, cities and counties across have held various festivals with unique local features. From the perspective of city marketing, this study explored festival development strategy. At the first stage, based on literature review, this study determined the original evaluation factors and constructed a hierarchical framework, which included five dimensions and 35 criteria, namely 1) city image marketing: it depends on expectation and imagination of local residents and tourists toward the city; 2) city infrastructure marketing: develop good local infrastructure, provide high-quality life service, and enhance the effective execution of festivals; 3) city attraction marketing: regarding local geographic resources or cultural activities, design activity themes and contents that can highlight the local features to attract the public; 4) city character marketing: utilize historic figures and celebrities to create local attractiveness; 5) city economy marketing: hold activities in tourist spots to attract crowds and achieve economy marketing. At the second stage, upon the consensus of experts from the industries, government, and academia, this study adopted the Fuzzy Delphi Method to select 16 criteria of 5 dimensions, which were used to construct the evaluation indicators of festival development from perspective of city marketing. The findings can help event planners to examine and analyze the organization of festivals more objectively from the perspective of city marketing, and make the festivals more distinct and effective, thus achieving city marketing.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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