In the 1990s, corporatization of French state-run museums began to be carried out. As the first such case, the Louvre Museum changed its legal identity and gradually implemented a series of reforms. The Orsay Museum and Guimet Museum followed suit. In 2010, the Picasso Museum completed official restructuring to become a public administrative organization. Since the reform of the Louvre Museum, 12 of the total 34 museums under the French Ministry of Culture's Museum Department have been transformed into public corporations. This is a significant trend in French museum development history. Moreover, at present, there is a tendency among these museums toward expansion. The French experience is valuable for Taiwan, in which the corporatization of public museums is under consideration. Therefore, the aim of this article is to focus on the Picasso Museum, a recent case of museum reform, to observe the process of corporatization and obtain a deeper understanding of the context, preparation and reasons involved in French museum reform.
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