


Encountering Southeast Asian Immigrant Visitors in Taiwan Museums: Current Practices and Reflections




鄭邦彥(Pang-Yen Cheng)


臺灣博物館 ; 新住民 ; 東南亞觀眾 ; 行動研究 ; 博物館經驗 ; Taiwan museums ; new immigrants ; Southeast Asian visitors ; action research ; museum experience




29卷3期(2015 / 07 / 01)


103 - 116




在全球化風潮下,不少新住民(如外籍勞工與外籍配偶)自東南亞來臺,數量快速增加。新住民家庭雖已是臺灣社會一份子,多數處於弱勢。2013 年,文化部以「博物館與新住民」為題,主辦4 場地方文化館專業培訓課程(筆者參與其中兩場)。依Falk (2009)「與認同相關的參訪動機模式」(identity-related visit motivations model),要彰顯新住民關乎認同的參訪動機並不容易,新住民總被視為是「非觀眾」(non-visitors)。因此筆者擔任隔年《博物館簡訊》第67 期專題主編,亦以此為題規劃「當地方文化館遇見新住民」、「新住民博物館經驗」與「紙上策展vs. 在地實驗」等三子題,子題二邀請5 位外籍配偶分享親身博物館經驗。本文以「行動研究」為方法,首先檢視培訓課程成果報告和簡訊專題,接續描述以上5 位新住民在臺博物館經驗,文末檢視臺灣博物館兼容東南亞新住民觀眾的反思及其可能性,以協助博物館專業更接近新住民觀眾需求。


Under the trend of globalization, the number of new immigrants from Southeast Asia (such as laborers and foreign spouses) has been rapidly increasing in Taiwan. As a result, more and more immigrant families have entered society, with most belonging to vulnerable and disadvantaged minority groups. In 2013, the Ministry of Culture (Taiwan) organized four training workshops focused on "museums and new immigrants." The author was invited to serve as a speaker and facilitator at two of these workshops. Following Falk(2009)'s discourse on "identity- related visitor motivations model," there is difficulty in making immigrant identity-related needs "visible" when they have long been treated as "non-visitors." As a guest editor of the newsletter of the Chinese Association of Museums, R.O.C. (Vol. 67, March 2014), the author focused on the topic of "museums and new immigrants". "Immigrant museum experience" was chosen as a subtopic and the author invited five foreign spouses to describe their museum experience in Taiwan. The aim of the present article is through "action research" methodology to review the workshop reports and the newsletter articles, as well as the descriptions of the five foreign spouses of their museum experience in Taiwan. The reflections of Southeast Asian new immigrant visitors and the possibilities for encountering these visitors in Taiwan museums are discussed to assist museum professionals in better meeting immigrant visitor needs.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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