


Study on Immigrant Leisure Activity Participation




鍾政偉(Cheng-Wei Chung);曾宗德(Tzong-Der Tzeng)


新移民 ; 休閒動機 ; 休閒活動參與 ; 休閒效益 ; New immigrants ; Leisure motivation ; Leisure activity participation ; Leisure benefits




29卷3期(2015 / 07 / 01)


69 - 88




國內新移民人數從1990 年以後開始大量增加,新移民成了臺灣的一個新名詞,也在臺灣成為一種越來越普及化的社會現象。本文以新移民為對象,建構並驗證休閒動機、休閒活動參與及休閒效益之關係模式。本研究以立意抽樣方式,共計回收460 份有效問卷;研究結果顯示:一、休閒動機正向且顯著影響休閒效益;二、休閒動機正向且顯著影響休閒參與;三、休閒參與正向且影響休閒效益。休閒活動參與中介了休閒動機與休閒效益之效果,並透過活動的參與有助於提高休閒效益。另外,新移民的休閒活動多屬於家庭社交型與娛樂休憩型,建議可多加技藝類與藝文類之活動,藉以融入臺灣社會之發展。


Since 1990, there have been significant increases in the number of immigrants to Taiwan and "new immigrant" has become a unique term and phenomenon. New immigrants served as the subjects of this study, the aims of which were to construct and validate the relationship model of leisure motivation, leisure activity participation and leisure benefits. By purposive sampling, 460 valid questionnaires were obtained. The results showed that: (1) leisure motivation positively and significantly influences leisure benefits; (2) leisure motivation positively and significantly influences leisure participation; (3) leisure participation positively influences leisure benefits. Leisure activity participation moderates the effects of leisure motivation and leisure benefits, while participation in activities enhances leisure benefits. In addition, immigrant leisure activities are mostly familial, social, entertaining, and recreational. It is suggested that more emphasis be placed on activities related to craft skills and art and culture to better integrate with Taiwan's social development.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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