


Factors Influencing the Valuation of Co-branded Museum Creative and Cultural Products




李聖賢(Sheng-Hsien Lee);林鴻洲(Hung-Chou Lin);周明君(Ming-Chun Chou)


共品牌策略 ; 契合度 ; 品牌知名度 ; 藝術呈現 ; 共品牌評價 ; co-branding ; fit ; brand awareness ; art influence ; co-branding valuation




29卷4期(2015 / 10 / 01)


29 - 47+49




品牌能夠辨別企業,而品牌策略隨著時代的演進而有新的風貌。從早期的單一品牌策略,進而演變成多產品線的品牌延伸策略,至今則有結合不同品牌優勢而衍生的共品牌策略。博物館基於社會福祉與經濟財源的緣故,也開始以共品牌模式行銷與博物館特有之文創商品。契合度是共品牌研究中主要焦點。本研究探討博物館的共品牌策略是否會因博物館知名度與產品上的藝術呈現,而影響高低契合度的組合的評價。本研究採因子實驗設計,施測人次共計338 人次。研究結果發現:一、品牌間契合度顯著影響共品牌評價;二、博物館與其合作品牌間契合度對博物館共品牌評價的影響,將受博物館知名度調節;三、品牌間契合度對於博物館共品牌評價之影響,受到產品藝術呈現調節。本研究根據以上研究結果提供政策與管理意涵。


Branding has been considered as a powerful tool for distinguishing companies and products when facing the dynamic business environment, thus resulting in a diversity of brand strategies. For example, single brand strategy is often followed by brand extension strategy. The co-branding strategy is widely implemented as it combines the strengths of two or more brands. As nonprofit organizations focused on social responsibility and in need of financial support, some museums have attempted to market their activities, and creative and cultural products via a co-branding model. Previous co-branding studies have mainly focused on the fit dimension. In the present study, the authors attempted to examine how the valuation of high/low fit brand mix is affected by the brand awareness of museums and the influence of art in co-branded products. A factorial experimental design was used in this study with 338 valid questionnaires collected. The results indicate that: 1. Brand fit enhances the valuation of co-branded products. 2. Brand awareness of museums moderates the relationship between the brand fit and valuation of co-branded products. 3. Art-influenced co-branded products moderate the relationship between the brand fit and valuation of co-branded products. Based on these results, policies and implications for brand management of museum creative and cultural products are suggested and discussed.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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