


The Role of Museum Exhibitions in Human Rights Education: Three Case Studies




陳佳利(Chia-Li Chen)


博物館與人權教育 ; 人權博物館展覽設計 ; 互動展示與人權教育 ; 移民博物館 ; 奴隸販運 ; museums and human rights education ; human rights exhibition design ; interactive exhibits and human rights ; immigration museum ; slave trade




30卷1期(2016 / 01 / 01)


47 - 69+71




近年來,博物館開始反省過去因政治、戰爭與暴力所造成的歷史創傷,包含16 至19 世紀歐洲殖民帝國於非洲大陸所進行的大規模的人口販運、二次大戰期間的戰爭暴力和種族屠殺,以及冷戰時期各國因軍事獨裁所造成各種對民主人權的迫害,均成為博物館關懷的重要議題,並促成國內外各人權與紀念博物館的成立。然而,博物館展覽除了再現歷史真相並哀悼、紀念受害者之外,要如何透過歷史的反思,達到人權教育的目標?而博物館展覽在人權教育上,又能扮演怎樣的角色與功能?本文以文獻回顧、展覽分析及訪談法,探討人權教育的內涵,並透過倫敦碼頭區博物館「倫敦、糖和奴隸」展、荷蘭的和平工廠及墨爾本移民博物館常設展3 個展示案例,探討博物館如何以展示設計促進觀眾人權理念之學習。研究發現倫敦碼頭區博物館以演示性手法搭配簡易的互動裝置,以引發兒童觀眾的同理心,並反思被販運非洲人人權被剝奪的情況;墨爾本移民博物館則以多媒體影音互動裝置,從移民歷史連結到當代種族議題,引發觀眾對移民處境與種族主義之反思;而荷蘭的和平工廠以各種互動性展示與角色扮演,引導學生觀眾設身處地探討當代生活中所經常遭遇的人權問題,如霸凌與歧視等,進而思索因應之道。透過展覽設計,本文認為博物館具有將歷史悲劇轉化為具互動性、反思性且連結當代生活人權議題之展示,成為學習教育的最佳場域,文末並提出幾點人權教育展覽設計的原則與手法。


In recent years, museums have begun to reflect on the historical trauma caused by politics, war and violence. The largest-scale human trafficking in world history carried out by the European colonial empires in Africa from the 16th to 19th centuries, violence and genocide during the two world wars, oppression of democratic and human rights by military dictatorships and political enmity during the Cold War era have become topics of concern among museums, leading to the establishment of human rights and memorial museums. In addition to representing historical facts and memorializing victims, how can the goals of human rights education be achieved through historical reflection? What are the role and function that human rights museum exhibitions can play in promoting human rights education? Literature review, exhibition analysis and interviews were conducted. In addition, three museum exhibitions were applied as case studies to provide an in-depth understanding of designs and strategies for promoting human rights education through exhibitions. The "London, Sugar and Slavery" exhibition at the Museum of London, Docklands applies gestural technique to depict the deprivation of basic human rights of enslaved Africans, along with several simple interactive exhibits to invoke children's empathy. The Immigration Museum in Melbourne makes use of multimedia interactive exhibits to connect the history of immigration to contemporary social issues and invites visitor reflection on racism. The Peace Factory in the Netherlands incorporates interactive exhibits and role-playing techniques to allow visitors to place themselves in the shoes of victims of bullying and prejudice and to think about how to respond to these situations. From an analysis of these three exhibitions, human rights museums are able to connect to contemporary issues and transform historical tragedies into interactive, thought-provoking human rights learning opportunities. Finally, several design techniques are proposed.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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