


The Museum and "Me": Creating Participatory Experiences Through Personalized E-Services




劉君祺(Chun-Chi Liu)


個人化 ; 客製化 ; 參與式 ; 博物館經驗 ; 社會化 ; 數位溝通 ; 行動載具 ; 參觀導引應用程式 ; 多媒體導覽機具 ; 網站 ; personalization ; customization ; participatory ; museum experiences ; socialization ; digital communication ; mobile devices ; orientation apps ; multimedia guide ; website




31卷1期(2017 / 01 / 01)


27 - 55+57






In the 21st century, digital technology, social media, and mobile devices are inescapable, and the search for uniqueness, or "Me", has become more obvious. To stay abreast of the world trend of offering personalized services, museums have adopted diversified approaches, educational programs, and exhibition practices to establish two-way communication with the innumerable "Me" among audiences. This paper begins with a review of the literature on personalized services, digital communication, and participatory experiences. This is followed by case studies involving orientation apps, multimedia guides, websites, and discussion of how museums use e-services to provide personalized experiences. From an analysis of design features, personalized visits can serve as a catalyst for the creation of participatory experiences among museums and audiences. Finally, "collective intelligence" can be gathered from public forums and discussion mechanisms, allowing museums to implement their socialization function and highlight their public nature.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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