


Visitor Expectations of Museum App Service Quality




湛文甫(Wen-Fu Chen);辛治寧(Joy Chih-Ning Hsin)


博物館行動應用程式 ; 博物館科技 ; 服務品質 ; 行動經驗 ; 觀眾投入 ; museum App ; museum and technology ; service quality ; mobile experience ; visitor engagement




31卷2期(2017 / 04 / 01)


7 - 29






Museum Mobile Applications (Apps) not only enrich the visitor experience, but also create a connection between the museum environment and services. Satisfying visitor expectations and elevating visitor usage are important aspects to consider when developing museum Apps. Taking the NTSEC-iGuide of the National Taiwan Science Education Center as an example, the aim of this paper was to conduct quantitative surveys and apply the Kano model to the analysis of attributes of service quality based on visitor needs and expectations. According to reported user experience and engagement, three user types and associated expectations of App service quality were identified: (1) Experienced visitors, those who use the App to take a self-guided tour. For this group, focus should be on real-time news and events. (2) Advanced visitors, those who enjoy multimedia learning with detailed information about collections, and are dissatisfied with text-only exhibition content. (3) Practiced visitors, those who need more than the basic functions and consider interactive Apps attractive. The results of this study may serve as a valuable reference for museums in their planning of mobile services strategy.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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