Due to abundant artifacts and rich exhibition resources, combined with educational programs, museums have become important sites for human rights education in the 21st century. The Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR) serves as an example in this study. Research methods include case study, interviews and exhibition analyses to investigate the CMHR’s educational strategies and practices. This museum does not focus on specific historical events but, rather, provides a macroscopic view of human rights issues in Canada and other parts of the world. The permanent exhibitions feature oral histories and interactive displays on the development of human rights and human rights issues in Canada, with subthemes of global incidences of genocide, especially those in Europe. Visitors are encouraged to reflect on the violation of human rights by the Canadian government and its more recent efforts to protect them. The CMHR designs strategies and programs to promote human rights education among the general public, as well as to school and professional groups. Educational programs are made available to students of different ages based on exhibition themes and benchmarks and topics recommended by the United Nations. Such programs intregrate historic events and con-temporary human rights issues. Younger children explore human rights concepts through interactive exhibits, games and oral histories. High school students carry out group discussions or debates after visitng an exhibition area. In this way, the CMHR makes abstract concepts of human rights concrete and supports school teachers in supplementing the curriculum and overcoming the current lack of expertise in Canada. The results of this study provide an important reference for museums seeking to promote human rights education.
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