


Whose Photography Art? Development of Image Interpretative Methods and Accessible Displays for the Visually Impaired and Blind




趙欣怡(Hsin-Yi Chao)


視障觀眾 ; 攝影藝術 ; 無障礙展示設計 ; 多元感官 ; 3D列印 ; 詮釋型展示 ; visual impairment and blindness ; photography art ; accessible display ; multi-sensory ; 3D printing ; interpretation exhibition




33卷3期(2019 / 07 / 01)


43 - 67+69






The aim of this study is to investigate diverse interpretative and accessible display methods that incorporate various technologies to respond to the rights of persons with disabilities to participate in social and cultural activities. The focus of this study is on how the visually impaired or blind understand 2D image content. The "Moment, Light, Camera: From Classical to Contemporary Photography Educational Exhibition", held at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts in 2017, serves as a case study. Twenty photography works were interpreted using literal statements, Braille text, audio descriptions, and large print. In addition, 15 raised-line thermal printed images were developed, in addition to three 3D printed models with color information, textures and interactive devices, to highlight the perceptions and imagination of the photographers. A tactile and audio 3D map of the space was installed at the entrance to the exhibition with micro-orientation application for autonomous visits by the visually impaired using smart mobile devices. From feedback obtained from six visually impaired visitors, photography displays incorporating multisensory interpretations and accessible technologies met their needs in terms of how they obtain information and enabled them to receive the correct ideas and concepts. Therefore, audio descriptions, interactive devices, tactile materials, 3D printed models, and technology can promote spatial cognition and image comprehension among the visually impaired. The results of this study can serve as a reference for the development of accessible displays and innovative image interpretative methods in museums.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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