Over the past more than 200 years, museums have focused on collections, objects, and people. It was not until recently that they explored the audience experience. Csikszentmihalyi and Hermanson (1999) indicated that when complex information is presented in a way that is enjoyable - intrinsically rewarding - people will be motivated to pursue further learning. However, the flow experiences of people in museums have rarely been discussed, especially those of young volunteers. The objective of this study is to investigate the flow experiences of young volunteers in the implementation of activities in a regional museum, to examine the development process and determine the types of assistance museum educators should provide. This case study of the Yilan County Natural History Education Center was conducted over a period of more than one year with 10 volunteers. From the results: (1) Continuous support for those seeking flow experiences is essential. (2) As long as a young volunteer is willing to face challenges and continue to develop his/her abilities, he/she will have flow experiences. (3) Museum educators can adjust the difficulty of challenges according to the abilities of each volunteer. (4) After achieving the optimal experience, volunteers dramatically change their attitude. (5) New challenges can lead to continuing flow experiences and avoid stagnation. (6) Museum educators should grasp the opportunity when volunteers have a desire for action to assist them in moving toward the optimal experience and upgrading the museum's services. In this article, the flow experiences of young volunteers were explored, which is a rarely studied field of museology. It is hoped that the results will provide museum educators with a better understanding of the learning experiences of volunteers and lead to closer cooperation between volunteers and museums.
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