As informal educational institutions, museums have long complemented and supplemented formal curricula by providing resources and maintaining collaborative relationships with K-12 schools. In recent years, with the rise of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) educational trends and the implementation of the framework for 12-year basic education, K-12 schools are paying more attention to cross-disciplinary education, experiential learning, problem-solving, and integration of IT. Museums need to respond to these new approaches to better assist K-12 schools in developing STEAM educational programs and to keep their educational efforts up to date. Case study and non-participatory observation methods were used to explore the implementation of the STEAM Workshop at the National Palace Museum. Moreover, the problems that museums encounter when conducting STEAM workshops, the extent to which teachers absorb the information that is imparted, the design of the content as a reflection of the characteristics of art museums, and the utilization of museum resources by K-12 schoolteachers were analyzed. It is hoped that the suggestions presented in this paper will provide a reference for other museums in the development of STEAM educational programs.
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