


The Experience Economy: Examples of AURA Sound and Light Show and Costumed Schools at Australia's Sovereign Hill




陳慧玲(Hui-Ling Chen)


體驗經濟 ; 主題樂園 ; experience economy ; theme park




35卷1期(2021 / 01 / 01)


75 - 91+93




近年來博物館的經營,因為經費短缺而陸續提出組織改造以面對激烈的競爭,此現象也促使博物館界開始思考是否除了堅守固有教育的使命外,還應更主動地在休閒娛樂事業中採取增加收入的創新經營策略。本文以個案研究澳洲書芬山博物館群的兩個活動,來探討體驗經濟在博物館的意義與啟示。管理學大師Pine II與Gilmore將人類經濟發展分為4個階段:第一階段是以「原料」為主的「農業經濟」;第二階段是以「商品」為主的「工業經濟」;第三階段是注重「客戶關係」的「服務經濟」;第四階段是提供顧客「感受滿足」的「體驗經濟」。他們建議企業機構可以透過誘人的體驗,帶來忠誠的顧客及更高的利潤,因為物品有不同的經濟價值:由低階的可替代性「原料」、有形的「商品」、無形的「服務」而遞升至值得記憶的「體驗」。以上企業的經濟價值演變理論,或可運用於博物館環境中:「原料」相當於物件、「商品」等同於展覽、「服務」就是導覽解說,「體驗」即是客製化的活動。因此對於博物館而言,客製化的「體驗」活動具較高經濟價值。本研究分析書芬山博物館群的「聲光秀」與「扮演學校」,發現根據體驗經濟的未來性、商業模式與經濟價值,「聲光秀」包含3E(娛樂、審美與逃避現實)與4S(聽、視、味與嗅覺),屬於提供觀眾被動參與的「服務」與「體驗」。「扮演學校」包含5E與5S(增加教育、情感與觸覺),屬於提供學童主動參與的「體驗」及「轉型」,其體驗經濟的價值顯然超越「聲光秀」。因此,本研究建議博物館在設計高經濟價值的活動時,要大規模客製5E與5S活動,運用戲劇使平凡的活動令人印象深刻,以及開發活動周邊收費的服務與附帶產品。雖然書芬山博物館群與一般博物館的性質不同,但是其體驗經濟的策略或許是博物館界可考慮的新方向。


In recent years, due to a shortage of funds, museums have reformed their operations to increase their competitiveness. This has prompted thinking about the addition of leisure and entertainment elements, while remaining true to their inherent mission of education, to increase revenue. Case studies of two experiential activities at Australia's Sovereign Hill, AURA Sound and Light Show and Costumed Schools, were conducted to explore the significance and implementation of the experience economy in museums. In their article "Welcome to the Experience Economy", Pine and Gilmore divided human economic development into stages. The first is extraction of commodities in an "agrarian economy". The second is an "industrial economy" that is focused on "making goods". The third is a "service economy" that involves "customer relationships" and the fourth is an "experience economy" that provides customer "satisfaction". Enterprises can obtain loyal customers and higher profits through attractive experiences. If applied to the museum context, "commodities" are equivalent to objects, "goods" are equivalent to exhibitions, "services" are equivalent to guided tours, and "experiences" are equivalent to customized activities. The 3E (entertainment, esthetics, and escapism) and 4S (hearing, sight, taste and smell) AURA Sound and Light Show provides a passive service and experience. "Costumed Schools" are 5E and 5S-based (with the addition of education, emotion, and tactility), enabling active participation through "experience" and "transformation". The experience economic value of the latter exceeds that of the former. Therefore, it is suggested that museums customize 5E and 5S activities of high economic value, using drama to make ordinary activities impressive and developing services and incidental products around such activities for additional revenue. Although the characteristics of Sovereign Hill differ from those of most museums, its experience economy strategy is worth consideration.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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