The year 2020 was one of sorrow and hope. Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, people drastically changed their lifestyles. In response, many museums produced online content and strengthened their accessibility in the face of epidemic prevention efforts and the global trend of "isolation", as people stayed home and were unable to see exhibitions in person. Google Arts & Culture (GAC) took the lead as the online platform of choice for museums to launch digital content. With its abundant digital archives and original content, the National Palace Museum (NPM) kept pace with these changes, successively launching several online exhibitions. In this article, an in-depth analysis of six online exhibitions of the NPM is carried out, with a focus on factors such as design concept, stylistic characteristics, and exhibition experience, in addition to a look back at André Malraux's Museum without Walls. Moreover, in this digital age, how Malraux's concepts have been implemented on the GAC platform through the use of interesting stories is discussed, in addition to relevant processes of museum practices.
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