
博物館參與的起點-談故宮Google Arts and Culture線上策展實踐


The Starting Point for Museum Participation: Google Arts and Culture and the Online Curatorial Practices of the National Palace Museum




曾一婷(I-Ting Tseng)


谷歌藝術與文化 ; 國立故宮博物院 ; 無牆博物館 ; 線上展覽 ; 數位典藏 ; Google Arts & Culture (GAC) ; National Palace Museum ; Museum Without Walls (Le Musée Imaginaire) ; online exhibition ; digital archive




35卷2期(2021 / 04 / 01)


57 - 77




2020年是個充滿悲傷與希望的年份,在疫情衝擊下,人們急遽改變日常生活模式,以因應新冠肺炎帶來的疾患與災厄。諸多博物館在這一波全球性的「隔離」風暴裡,積極發展線上內容,加強在防疫生活模式下的文化近用,以彌補大眾無法參觀現地展覽的困境。在眾多平臺中,「谷歌藝術與文化」(Google Arts & Culture)趁勢而起,成為國內外博物館競相推出數位內容的百家爭鳴之地。而國立故宮博物院也不落人後,挾其數位典藏(digital archive)之優勢,整合過往製作的數位內容,陸續上架不同主題的線上展覽(online exhibition)。本文則是以此為題,回溯安德烈.馬爾侯(André Malraux)提出的「想像的博物館」(或譯為「無牆博物館」),並藉由故宮六檔線上展覽的深度解析,如設計概念、風格特色與觀展經驗等等,探討GAC平臺如何在數位時代以各種精彩故事落實馬氏的概念內容,具體說明博物館實踐的過程。


The year 2020 was one of sorrow and hope. Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, people drastically changed their lifestyles. In response, many museums produced online content and strengthened their accessibility in the face of epidemic prevention efforts and the global trend of "isolation", as people stayed home and were unable to see exhibitions in person. Google Arts & Culture (GAC) took the lead as the online platform of choice for museums to launch digital content. With its abundant digital archives and original content, the National Palace Museum (NPM) kept pace with these changes, successively launching several online exhibitions. In this article, an in-depth analysis of six online exhibitions of the NPM is carried out, with a focus on factors such as design concept, stylistic characteristics, and exhibition experience, in addition to a look back at André Malraux's Museum without Walls. Moreover, in this digital age, how Malraux's concepts have been implemented on the GAC platform through the use of interesting stories is discussed, in addition to relevant processes of museum practices.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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