


The Impact of and Response to Museum Digital Collection Blockchain Applications: Legal Aspects of Copyright Tokenization




陳宏志(Hung-Chih Chen)


科技管理 ; 區塊鏈 ; 代幣化 ; 數位著作 ; 博物館典藏 ; management of technology ; blockchain ; tokenization ; digital works ; museum collection




35卷3期(2021 / 07 / 01)


47 - 59




區塊鏈科技自2008年底問世後,在金融或運輸等產業應用已蔚成風潮。因其具備可追蹤追溯及不易竄改之特色,有助於簡化流程、避免中介機構剝削,及能確保資料安全與掌握數位足跡。且結合代幣等功能,可使高價值之商品或服務所有權,或著作權等無形資產,讓更多人享有,如自2019年起已有部分企業,將藝術品與區塊鏈之代幣技術進行結合。而2021年之NFT(Non-Fungible Tokens)應用,更讓許多純數位著作,如一則Twitter訊息,於拍賣創下天價。因博物館主要任務為蒐藏、研究、展示、教育及公共服務,尤其確認蒐藏適法性為博物館管理重點之一。本文透過檢視現行法規及國內外案例,聚焦數位著作搭配區塊鏈代幣化應用,所生《民法》之所有權及《著作權法》之授權兩項議題;研析後認為適法性已非窒礙,且此類純數位著作應有利於保存與利用。然在科技應用與蒐藏決策之間,面對強調特殊性、珍稀或管理需求之典藏品,其數位化、代幣化後,是否可以打破博物館經營者既有思考框架,決定納入典藏範圍等,突破關鍵應在於對新興科技之信任。


Blockchain technology emerged in 2008. Since then, it has had remarkable applications, especially to the fields of finance and transportation. By enabling digital information to be distributed but not copied, processes are streamlined, exploitation is avoided, data is secured, and digital footprints are understood. By combining cryptocurrency and other functions, more users can hold copyright or share in the ownership of high value goods and services. In 2019 came the integration of art collecting and blockchain technology. Then, in 2021, with the introduction of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT), purely digital works, such as tweets, were auctioned for exorbitant prices. The main tasks of museums in Taiwan are collection, research, exhibition, education, and public services. Confirming the legitimacy of the collection (such as digital works) is one of the keys to museum management. In this study, the focus is on the applications of blockchain-based tokenization to digital works. From a review of current laws and regulations and domestic and foreign cases, two issues are discussed, ownership as defined under the "civil code" and authorization as defined under the "copyright law". Based on the results, there is no hindrance to legitimacy and purely digital works can be preserved and used. However, is it possible to break through the mindset of museum operators and include items that are unique, rare, or that require special management, and that have undergone digitization and tokenization, within the scope of collections? The key to such breakthrough is trust in emerging technologies.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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