The permanent exhibition message area in the Penghu Living Museum provides a quiet place for visitors to stop and an environment for dialogue and exchanges. Although it is often difficult for visitors and curators to meet face to face, in this space real conversation and communication take place between them. Message card analysis is a way for visitors to participate in museum research, through content interpretation, text analysis, sorting, and the search for meaning. In the Penghu Living Museum, countless message cards have been collected since its opening. These serve to elaborate on the purpose and role of the message area and to enable analysis and summary of the contents. From the results of this study, among people entering the museum, many have the mentality of "leaving a trace wherever they go" or "leaving something behind". As the message cards are in the shape of a ship, they provide an image of local life. The messages are mostly text with some drawings and mainly include blessings, wishes, and impressions of Penghu and the visitor experience. The use of message cards encourages a positive and reciprocal relationship between visitors and the museum, which is the objective of museum visitor services. The "Visions Penghu" unit was originally designed for residents to express their expectations for the future of Penghu at the end of their visit. However, as tourists outnumber residents, the initial design and planning concepts were not fulfilled.