


Socially-Engaged Art, Cultural Policy and the Formation of Cultural Public Sphere: Case Study of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei




殷寶寧(Pao-Ning Yin)


藝術介入空間 ; 文化政策 ; 文化公共領域 ; 策展 ; 公民美學 ; socially-engaged art in space ; cultural policy ; cultural public sphere ; curation ; civic aesthetics




35卷4期(2021 / 10 / 01)


5 - 30




「藝術介入」為近年來重要的藝術實踐概念,引導藝術家走出美術館白盒子,進入空間,與社會建立連結。呼應這樣的發展趨勢,文建會於2008年提出「藝術介入空間」的政策,以期引導文化資源與藝術實踐,提升在地社區的環境品質與公民美學。臺北當代藝術館連續3年執行「藝術介入空間」政策,並與在地社區發展出名為「街大歡囍」的社區藝術節活動。以「藝術介入」的概念,走出美術館的實體圍牆,進入在地社區,關注街區產業與歷史,以社區藝術教育與創作,強化地區認同、改造地區環境景觀,拓展以美術館做為活化在地社區/群的運作機制,開創美術館做為文化公共領域,傳達文化多樣性的民主價值。本研究從文化政策內涵與價值出發,聚焦於臺北當代藝術館的「藝術介入空間」藝術實踐。美術館與在地社群產生連結,共同協作,透過策展過程,挖掘社區議題,貼合在地需求,使得美術館有機會透過藝術教育與美學實踐,成為哈伯馬斯(Jürgen Habermas)所關切的公共領域所在— 透過策展與協作,以地區性議題相互溝通,讓公共領域得以建構起來。而臺北當代藝術館的策展與執行經驗,揭露以美術館做為帶動在地社區挖掘實質環境議題,面對社會變遷,強化社區認同,展現在地文化多樣性的藝術能量。


"Socially-engaged art" is a concept that has been applied to artistic practice in recent years. It has led artists to leave the "white box" of fine arts museums and establish connections with society. In response, the Council for Cultural Affairs (now the Ministry of Culture) proposed the "socially-engaged art in space" policy in 2008 to guide the use of cultural resources and artistic practices and to enhance the environment and civic aesthetics of communities. The Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) in Taipei has implemented this policy for three consecutive years, developing the Street Fun, Fun Street art festival with the local community. Based on the concept of socially-engaged art, people have left behind the physical museum to enter the local community, paying attention to its industries and history. Through community art education and creation, regional identity is strengthened, environmental landscapes are transformed, and the role of an art museum as an activated local community is expanded. Moreover, the museum becomes a cultural public sphere, conveying the democratic value of cultural diversity. The focus of this article is on MOCA's artistic practices that are related to this policy. This museum creates links and collaborations with the community and local groups. Through curating, exploring community issues, and adapting to local needs, this museum has become a public sphere, as proposed by Jürgen Habermas, as it engages in art education, aesthetic practice, and communication on regional issues. The experience of MOCA reveals the artistic energy that is created when an art museum is the driving force for exploring environmental issues in communities, facing social changes, strengthening community identity, and demonstrating cultural diversity.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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