


Secondary Monuments or Alternative Cultural Heritage? On the Positioning of "Registration of Historic Buildings"




洪伯勳(Po-Hsun Hung)


文化資產保存法 ; 指定制 ; 登錄制 ; 歷史建築 ; 私有老建築 ; Cultural Heritage Preservation Act ; designation ; registration ; historic buildings ; private old buildings




35卷4期(2021 / 10 / 01)


53 - 74






In the past, the category of "historic building" in the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act was controversial as registered historic buildings could be demolished without penalty. However, the "registration" versus the "designation" of historic buildings and the meaning of historic building registration have rarely been discussed. In this study, relevant historical and official documents were analyzed. From the results, in contrast to the "compulsory" designation of monuments, the registration system for historic buildings was meant to be "encouraging" in nature, due to their large numbers. Over time, the locality of historic buildings challenged the uniqueness of monuments. In addition, the legal and practical ambiguity between historic buildings and monuments raised suspicion of political manipulation by review committees. Therefore, the central government incorporated a "compulsory" feature into the registration system through legal amendments and official declarations (no need for owner's consent and addition of penalties for demolition). Moreover, an attempt was made to clarify the differences in the attributes between historic buildings and monuments and to revamp the system for registration of historic buildings. However, this study argues that, on the one hand, such developments and amendments have failed to provide a clear legal and conceptual distinction between monuments and historic buildings. On the other hand, recent changes in the nature of the registration system and the launch of the preservation and revitalization of private old buildings program by the Ministry of Culture in 2017 have led to ambiguity in the positioning of the registration system for historic buildings (including the sub-category of commemorative buildings). Whether historic buildings should be incorporated into the monument designation system, based on the current reality, must be urgently addressed.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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