


Discussion on the Conservation of Sutra Covers: A Case Study of the Outer Protective Covers of the Manchu Vermillion Imprint Kangyur in the Collection of the National Palace Museum




高瑋(Wei Kao)


清文全藏經 ; 梵夾裝 ; 護經板 ; 修護 ; 分層 ; Manchu Vermillion Imprint Kangyur ; Pothi ; sutra cover ; conservation ; delamination




36卷3期(2022 / 07 / 01)


27 - 45+47






Manchu Vermillion Imprint Kangyur is a significant Buddhist canon housed in the National Palace Museum (NPM) in Taiwan, consisting of 108 volumes compiled during the Qianlong period. The format is in the Pothi style, with each volume consisting of multiple components, such as leaves, protective cover, and wrapping cloth. In contrast to the other components, outer protective covers are often in poor condition, and require conservation treatment in preparation for the exhibitions. Such deterioration is commonly caused by mechanical damage due to use, and delamination due to adhesion and cohesion failure. In this study, the causes of deterioration of the outer protective covers of the Manchu Vermillion Imprint Kangyur are researched, and proper conservation concepts are discussed. Moreover, a comprehensive survey of object background and conservation processes is presented to serve as a useful reference for future investigations of related objects.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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