Due to the enhanced Cultural Fundamental Act of 2019 and other relevant laws and regulations, the Regulations Governing the Provision of Incentives for Cultural and Artistic Pursuits of 1992 were replaced with the Culture and the Arts Reward and Promotion Act of 2021, with tax incentives a major area of concern. In addition to land tax, house tax, sales tax, and amusement tax, this act includes income tax and customs duty incentives. In terms of income tax incentives, preferential treatment is provided for exhibition transactions and auction income. In addition, instead of lumping together income tax calculations, there is separate taxation. In terms of customs duty incentives, a letter of guarantee may be provided in lieu of a deposit. The aim of this study is to analyze the Culture and the Arts Reward and Promotion Act and case studies of the implementation of these two revisions to understand their advantages and disadvantages. Based on the results, being taxed separately is only meaningful to taxpayers who sell items at auction and were originally subject to the progressive income tax rate of 40%. Moreover, the customs duty-related revision appears to be more favorable than article 18 of the Customs Act, which requires payment of duty before the release of goods.