In 2019, a group of elderly miners created the Hou-Tong Miners Museum, which is both an eco-museum and a trauma-informed museum. The aim of this study is to better understand the influences of the creation of this museum on the miners' meaning of life and transformative learning. Data collection methods included unstructured interviews, field study records, and documentary research. With Bourdieu's theories as the foundation, the author sought to clarify how this group of miners were guided by field norms at different stages of their careers. Based on their current habitus, how these miners took stock of the types and inventories of capital belonging to them was analyzed, in addition to how they formed strategies and practices for various social roles, to create a sense of self-identity, meaning to their labor, and opportunities for survival. At the same time, it was necessary to understand the influences of different strategies and practices on the habitus, capital, and field norms of these miners at different stages of their careers, as well as their message of successful aging-in-place. Based on the results of this study, provided that the local life stories of the elderly miners are taken seriously, even in a state of gradual physical deterioration, they are able to use eco-museum and trauma-informed museum operational strategies to develop positive self-identity and collective identity, as well as sense of place, to achieve the ideals of successful aging-in-place.
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