


Using Photo-elicitation in a Museum Visitor Study of Children: Initiating Conversations through "Children's Eyes"




郭昭翎(Chao-Ling Kuo);陳貞融(Chen-Jung Chen);王紀涵(Ji-Han Wang);洪煒茜(Wei-Chien Hung);林琮穎(Tsung-Ying Lin)


照片引談法 ; 博物館觀眾研究 ; 兒童展 ; 任務型活動 ; photo-elicitation ; museum visitor study ; children exhibition ; task-based activity




37卷3期(2023 / 07 / 01)


31 - 55+57-58






As one of the main museum visitor groups, many museum exhibitions are developed for children. However, it is challenging to inquire about their opinions due to factors such as literacy, concentration, and social relations with adult researchers. Currently, observation, questionnaires, and interviews are commonly used data collection methods in the field of visitor studies in Taiwan. Parents often participate in such research, assisting or even representing children. There are relatively few research instruments that allow children to be the direct "subjects" or to express their perspectives. The aim of this study is to understand how museums can engage children and learn about their experiences of and thoughts on visiting exhibitions, while respecting their rights and based on their physical and mental development. In this study, the photo-elicitation method was used to collect data. The field of study was the Taiwan, Our Home Children's Exhibition at the National Taiwan Museum. Children aged 5 to 10, the target audience of this exhibition, were recruited to participate in a task-based activity, in which they used a camera to take photos of the exhibition after their visit. They then chose five photos and shared their thoughts on their content, motivations for taking them, and their visiting experience during an elicitation process with a researcher. The results showed that children are capable of being active participants and providing primary data, as they effectively shared their thoughts and feelings through photography and selection of photos. This approach can be used to create an intuitive and engaging environment for data collection. Meanwhile, in their own voice, children revealed the implicit meaning of the photos they took, providing both photos and elicitation transcription for analysis. It is important to note that the quality and quantity of data may vary due to personal, social, and physical contexts. Therefore, future researchers may need to adjust the size of the exhibition area and the duration of the activity. Additionally, researchers should consider applying the observation method during children's visits and taking photos to provide comparative data. Overall, this study highlights the unique potential and implementation of photo-elicitation in children's visitor studies and serves as a reference for future research and curatorial practices.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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