






居家服務 ; 滿意度 ; 需求 ; home care services ; satisfaction ; needs




1期(2014 / 12 / 01)


89+91+93 - 116






In order to increase effectiveness on elderly service delivery, the study aimed to investigate the basic characteristics of home care users, and the satisfaction and needs for services in Kaohsiung City. The research looked forward to surveying continuously on the services used, redefining the need concepts, and providing references for future policy modification. The study had adopted a cross-sectional design with structured questionnaires. The content of the questionnaires were constructed by literature review, and reviews from social work, social welfare and nursing experts. Based on the number of home service users on December 2012, the study population in Kaohsiung was 4941. By conducting telephone interviews on random samples, there are 479 successful cases. The data was analyzed by SPSS, a software package for scientific statistical analysis. The average age of the study population is 79.27. Most of the respondents are females, married, living with family members, with caregivers, moderate disabilities, below elementary educational background, and their families were not poor. Generally viewed, 98.5 % of the respondents agreed services could improve quality of life, and 85.6% met the needs of services. According to the data, the higher the degree of disability is, the more alleviating burdens they experience. The more alleviating burdens they experience, the better satisfaction on labor quality shows. The needs were met and with higher willingness to continue services. Compared to the northern and southern districts of Kaohsiung (original Kaohsiung city); Fengshan, Kangshan, Qishan, and Mino (the original Kaohsiung County) are areas with higher satisfaction on labor quality, and caregivers feel less pressure for home cares. For those with higher educational background, the satisfaction of services is lower, which did not meet the needs, and are less willing to continue the services; the future study should be carried on to investigate the needs so that it could support to alleviate caring burdens. 98.9% on the alleviating burden shows that combination of public and private sector on home care services did meet the policy target on "the ability to support family care, and share family responsibilities". However, more attention should be addressed to the other 14.4%, whose needs had not been satisfied; thus, to assist barrier removals in services.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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