


An Exploration of Service to Cope with Challenges Facing by Older Adults Using Community Care Station Services during COVID-19 Pandemic




周佳霓(Chia-Ni Chou);高婷舲(Ting-Ling Kao);林怡如(Yi-Ru Lin);楊斯媚(Szu-Mei Yang);洪沛言(Pei-Yan Hung)


新冠肺炎 ; 社區工作 ; 社區失智據點 ; 社會支持 ; 創新服務 ; COVID-19 ; community work ; dementia care bases ; social support ; innovative services




12期(2022 / 12 / 01)


27+29+31 - 59+61-62






Background: In December 2019, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic sparked considerable uncertainty and has affected people's lives and social interactions in Taiwan. Following an escalation of COVID-19 cases in May 2021, the Central Epidemic Command Center raised the nationwide epidemic alert level to Level 3 and consequently, the community service centers in Taiwan suspended their services and implemented relevant preventive measures. The impact of COVID-19 on individuals is not only a hazard to physical health, but also has a certain degree of impact on psychological and social health. Therefore, the community service stations must immediately modify the service model in response to changes during the epidemic situation. This study aimed to investigate whether depression, sleep status, and the sense of well-being among older adults who participated in community services were affected by the modification of service models due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A questionnaire was applied to collect data from four community service stations operated by Beigang Hospital of China Medical University. Results: According to the findings, there were no significant differences in depression or sleep quality during the national Level 3 alert for COVID-19 but there were statistically significant differences in terms of subjective well-being. When we explored further the main factor, it was because community station services were suspended due to the nationwide Level 3 alert for COVID-19. Conclusion: This study suggested that in order to maintain the physical, mental and social health of older adults during the epidemic, it was necessary to continue providing community station services via different ways such as providing video interactive care, caring for the interactive relationship between family members and older adults. By doing so may help to maintain the holistic health of older adults during the pandemic.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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