Due to the land use development and higher and higher demand of water use in the recent years, watershed was gradually impacted by human use, water resources to be very precious. This study purpose was to explore the relationships between land use types and water quality. The Yangmingshan National Park was used as the survey site. The characteristics of urban-rural interface to be an important boundary effect area. The 1/1000 topography map was used for the analysis of landscape ecological structure indices. The landscape ecology software developed by the USDA, Fragstats was applied for the indices calculation. Following are the selected indices of the landscape ecological structures: area in hectares (AREA), number of patch (NP), mean patch size (MPS), means shape index (MSI), mean patch fragment dimension (MPFD), patch density (PD), and area-weighted mean shape index (AWMSI). All the indices correlated to the indices of water quality (temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and electrical conductivity). The results that found the difference of land use structures (man-made area, woodland, and farmland) have a significant correlation with water temperature and dissolved oxygen. The farmland (AREA, MPS, and MPFD) that not only positively correlated with temperature, but also negatively correlated with dissolved oxygen. Besides, there was no significant correlation between three land use types and electrical conductivity. There are recommendations based on study findings that suggest to the future land management guides in Yangminshan National Park to reduce water quality of the downstream, particularly in development of farmland and built area.
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