According to the Ministry of the Interior, people aged above 65 years old, effect by the extended average lifespan, have reached to 2343 thousand, 10.2% of gross population, and by 2031, it will increase to 20.07% and have a tendency toward an aging society, estimated by Council for Economic Planning and Development. Issues on related welfare programs and designing of leisure spot for senior citizens have been scrutinized. Researches shows a relief on financial burden by enhancing senior health life and increasing their euphoria. Most of the former studies on their leisure activities have focused on certain specific circumstances and life in rest-home, the feelings obtained from doing them are less concerned, so as the researches on their lifestyle, leisure resourcefulness and satisfaction. In order to understand the feelings they get while doing leisure activities, we took questionnaire in the parks of Taichung city to get the relation between the place they go and the potential needs for it and form a concept of leisure resources of citizens' behavior. The result of study is found:1. Senior citizens' lifestyles can be divided into four groups, each named for: "Leaders" type, "Self-knowing" type, "Active" type and "Stubborn" type; 2. There were two dimensions to the leisure resourcefulness: feeling of leisure, essential activity; 3. The lifestyles groups have signal difference in the leisure resourcefulness; 4. The lifestyles groups have signal difference in park use satisfaction.
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